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Macron runs as a response to political extremes

Paris (EFE).- The French president, Emmanuel Macron, proposed broadening the base of what has been his liberal majority in response to the two blocs that include the extreme right and the extreme left in the face of early legislative elections.

“We are in a historic moment for our country,” Macron said this Wednesday in a press conference three days after calling in advance the elections that will be held in two rounds on June 30 and July 7.

Macron focused on attacking, on the one hand, the proposals of the far-right National Rally (RN) of Marine Le Pen, to whom the president of the conservative LR, Éric Ciotti, has proposed an alliance; and on the other from the coalition of left-wing and environmental parties that include La Francia Insumisa (LFI) of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

For the French president, “unnatural alliances have been formed at both extremes that do not agree on anything (…) and that are not ready to implement any program.”

Change of priorities

French President Emmanuel Macron in a public appearance this Wednesday, June 12 in Paris. EFE/EPA/Teresa Suarez

According to his analysis, the victory of the RN in the European elections, in which he obtained 31.4% of the votes, compared to only 14.6% for his party, Renacimiento, is explained by an “angry” vote that he said have understood, and that will translate into a series of changes in its political priorities, and above all in an acceleration in its security policy.

In fact, he highlighted that the first axis of the program that his majority will defend is “the protection of our republican values” with “more authority,” which will translate into actions to “reduce illegal immigration.”

Likewise, greater control of unaccompanied immigrant minors, which he recognized that they generate insecurity problems in some places, “more firmness with the violence of minors” and “responding to the feeling of impunity” with “faster and more understandable penalties.”

He insisted that the principles of secularism must be central so that “a religion never allows one to deviate from the rules of the Republic,” in a clear allusion to Islam.

For the problems of integration of the population of immigrant origin, he said that the answer is “effective and demanding republican universalism.”

In his opinion, the RN “does not have a miracle answer” for insecurity, but is limited to being “the embodiment of no.”

Economic, ecological and European project

(ID) French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, French centrist MoDem party leader Francois Bayrou, French Foreign Minister Stéphane Sejourne, and French senator and president of the Centrist Union (UC) group Hervé Marseille attend to President Emmanuel Macron’s press conference, this Wednesday, June 12, in Paris. 4.EFE/EPA/Teresa Suarez

Other axes of his bloc’s campaign, in which he said he has no intention of continuing to intervene once he has set the line and the method, are “ecological and economic ambition”, “progress and the fight against inequalities”, “living better every day” or a foreign policy focused on its desire to continue playing a central role in Europe.

In the economic field, he defended the pension reform that delays the minimum retirement age to 64 years, which he carried out last year, and which is one of the main points of attack of the left-wing opposition and the extreme right. , who have announced their intention to cancel it.

Asked about how to reverse Sunday’s results in the legislative elections, in just three weeks, Macron acknowledged that there are no “miracle recipes”, but that he has presented “opening elements” and that he trusts that the French will become aware of what is happening. at stake: “In legislative elections, it is not enough to say no. “We have to say who is going to govern.”

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