This is the healthiest food in the world, according to science

This is the healthiest food in the world, according to science
This is the healthiest food in the world, according to science


A proper nutrition It is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Although no single food provides all the nutrients our body needs, there are some that are more efficient than others; watercress is one of these.

WatercressStephanie Jud – Shutterstock

Research from William Paterson University in New Jersey found that the aquatic plant that grows wild in rivers, ditches and clean water sources It is the one that contains the most nutrients.

American doctor Jennifer Di Noia, who led the study, examined a total of 47 foods, so watercress obtained the highest score, followed by bok choy, chard and green beets. Among the selected fruits and vegetables, Those that provided the least nutrients were white grapes, sweet potatoes and leeks..

Just consuming 100 grams of watercress covers 38% of the recommended daily intakes of vitamin C.ines clusellas

Although this vegetable is not the most consumed, we have probably ingested it without knowing it, since it is one of the most common ingredients in typical bags of prepared salads. These are sprouts with a tender and slightly spicy aroma, very similar to the flavor of mustard..

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain, it provides a large amount of vitamin A, folates and vitamin C and, to a lesser extent, thiamine and vitamin E. Just by consuming 100 grams of watercress, 38% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C is covered. for men and women ages 20 to 39 with moderate physical activity. It is also rich in minerals that are very important for body functioning, such as calcium or iron and, in smaller quantities, potassium and phosphorus.

Watercress salad with mushrooms and baconnick


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