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Milei is in Switzerland: hug and gesture of support for Zelensky

After participating as a guest in the G7President Javier Milei arrived in Switzerland this Saturday to attend the Global Peace Summit organized by Volodymyr Zelensky, in the middle of the war that his country maintains with Russia. The meeting between both leaders, who will hold a bilateral meeting, was with a warm hug. The libertarian gave a speech of support for the European country.

I want to express, on behalf of the Argentine people, our maximum support for the people of Ukraine.and our friend Volodomir Zelensky, since as defenders of the idea of ​​freedom we repudiate any form of violence, whether between individuals, but in particular we repudiate war as an illegitimate mechanism to resolve conflicts between nations,” said the president.

In a speech that lasted less than three minutes, Milei said that in Argentina there is “full awareness of the value of peace and democratic coexistence” and maintained: “We repudiate any type of war as a mechanism to resolve conflicts between nations.”

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The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

“We are defenders of the ideas of freedom. Liberalism, as we understand it, is the unrestricted respect for the life project of others, based on the principle of non-aggression in defense of the right to life, liberty and property private. As defenders of freedom, we cannot advocate for anything other than peace between free peoples and nations,” he continued, quoting who he considers his greatest liberal reference, Alberto Benegas Lynch.

“There is a direct relationship between peace, trade and prosperity. There is no economic prosperity without free trade, and there is no free trade if there is no peace. Free trade naturally pacifies, because as Bastiat said, “where trade enters, bullets don’t enter,” or as Milton Friedman said, “I can hate my neighbor, but if he doesn’t buy my product, I’m going to go bankrupt,” he continued.

Then, he highlighted his own participation in the G7 and in the meeting that is taking place on Swiss soil: “It is an important step for Argentina to be able to be present at the G7 summit and then at this summit for peace, it is part of the great turn we are taking as a country after decades of turning our backs on the world. There is a new Argentina that once again embraces the ideas that 150 years ago made it one of the most prosperous countries in the world. “There is a new Argentina that also seeks to recover the leading place in the concert of nations that it once had and should never have abandoned.”

“Know that Argentina will always be committed to defending the ideas that made the West great and that for us peace among free nations is not only a moral duty, but the necessary condition for prosperity,” he concluded.

Milei’s arrival in Switzerland

The meeting between Milei and Zelensky

After his participation with the G7 leaders, Milei joined other leaders to begin an opening ceremony of the peace meeting. There he was received by Zelensky himself with a hug. In addition, his Ukrainian counterpart is going to decorate him with the “Order of Freedom.”

The head of the Spanish Government is also present in Switzerland, Pedro Sanchez. Both will meet for the first time since the beginning of the diplomatic crisis between both countries. We will have to see how the crossover occurs, after the strong exchange of concepts and even expletives between the two.

Additionally, they will participate Rishi Sunak (United Kingdom), Olaf Scholz (Germany), Fumio Kishida (Japan), Mark Rutte (Netherlands), Emmanuel Macron (France), Justin Trudeau (Canada), Mette Frederiksen (Denmark), Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (Portugal), Ulf Kristersson (Sweden), Alexander De Croo (Belgium), Gabriel Boric (Chili), Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona (Dominican Republic), Gustavo Petro (Colombia), Stephan Brunner Neibig (Costa Rica), and Daniel Noboa (Ecuador).

In Zurich, the Argentine head of state met with his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diana Mondinowho was not at the G7 meeting, but left for Swiss territory on Thursday at 6 p.m. In recent days, uncertainty surrounded the minister, with different versions about her future in the Government.

Milei at the G7: international baptism as a guest at the powerful summit

Recently, the Government added Argentina to the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG), an alliance made up of 54 countries, which coordinates humanitarian and military aid to kyiv. The UDCG was created by the United States and its allies on April 26, 2022, two months after the start of the war.

The Argentine government stated that the incorporation “strengthens bilateral ties with the United States and European nationswhich could facilitate broader cooperation in economic, technological and defense areas.”

At the G7 meeting, the leaders of the most developed nations resolved to grant the Ukrainian resistance a loan of 46 billion euros that will be financed with the interests generated by Russian assets frozen around the world, mostly in the European Union. .

The “Peace Summit” will continue this Sunday the 17th, but the Argentine president is scheduled to return to the country this Saturday night.


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