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The new strategy of the Maduro regime to annul the candidacy of the opponent Edmundo González

Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro shakes hands with Elvis Hidrobo Amoroso, head of the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela. REUTERS/Leonardo Fernandez Viloria

The former governor of Táchira and leader of the Christian social party COPEI, César Pérez Vivasdenounced that the regime of Nicolas Maduro is preparing a strategy to annul the presidential candidacy of Edmundo González Urrutia, the Venezuelan opposition candidate. According to Pérez Vivas, the plan includes the elimination of the electoral cards of the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) and the other two allied opposition parties, which support the candidacy.

In conversation with Infobaethe former governor of the border state of Táchira explained that “In the Situation Room of Maduro’s Campaign Command, the possibility of removing the MUD from the political game is being debated through annulment demands presented before the nomination process.”

César Pérez Vivas, former governor in the border state of Táchira Venezuela

Among the figures sent by the regime to introduce these demands, the following stood out: Luis Ratti and Jose Britowho have formulated arguments without concrete evidence, alleging that the MUD card represents double militancy.

Luis Ratti, who at the time had registered to participate as a candidate for the Presidency of Venezuela, but declined, is one of those who make up the list of “pseudo-opponents” who play into Maduro’s hands in the elections. In addition to being a politician with little experience and without significant results in politics, Ratti has dedicated himself to filing complaints before the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), requesting the suspension of the primary elections of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), in those in which María Corina positioned herself as the candidate of the majority opposition. Furthermore, he requested the annulment of the Democratic Unity Table (MUD)one of the parties that make up the PUD.

The politician Luis Ratti. EFE/ Rayner Peña R.

For its part, Jose Brito He is currently another of the presidential candidates accused of operating in favor of Maduro. In 2020 he was one of those who benefited from the regime, since the TSJ appointed him as head of the board of the Primero Justicia party, but annulled the decision some time later. Like Ratti he filed a lawsuit against the MUD.

According to Pérez Vivas, the basis for these demands is considered “beyond all logic” since in Venezuela there is no record of militancy to support these accusations.

“These plaintiffs argue without evidence that the card represents double militancy, an assertion without logic or record to support it,” Pérez Vivas said.

“The MUD card has long represented the Venezuelan political opposition”he added, recalling his participation in parliamentary elections in 2015 when the opposition overwhelmingly won the majority of seats in the National Parliament and in the regional elections in 2021.

The regime’s strategy also affects the cards of other parties such as A New Time (UNT) and the Movement for Venezuela (MPV). The thesis of the regime is that, by removing the main card from the MUD, the other cards that joined it will be suspended by default. Perez Vivas rejects this theory, emphasizing that “each party has the right to nominate its own candidates and these nominations are independent.”

The card with the candidacies for the presidential elections in Venezuela

The former governor also highlighted that this initiative of the Maduro regime goes against the commitments assumed in the Barbados Pactwhere it had been promised to respect the participation of the true opposition.

“What is being planned is a mechanism to remove the option of Edmundo González, This will affect the legality and legitimacy of the electoral process,” said Pérez Vivas.

The plan, which is expected to be executed in July, has been conceived in high-level meetings with prominent figures of the regime such as Jorge Rodriguezpresident of the National Assembly, God given hair, vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Psuv) and Nicolas Maduro. Although there is resistance within the leadership of the regime, aware of the severe damage that a measure of this nature would inflict both nationally and internationally, the plan is still underway.

The president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguez, greets the vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, after the signing of a proposed electoral calendar for the country’s presidential elections. REUTERS/Leonardo Fernández Viloria

Pérez Vivas stressed the importance of González’s candidacy, led by Maria Corina Machado, stating that it is a true alternative and not a candidacy financed by the regime, but rather “demonized” by it. Furthermore, he emphasizes that any attempt to prevent citizens from expressing themselves at the polls will be in vain, since “we are going to give a democratic electoral political response.”

The leader reiterated that the opposition will remain on the electoral route and that any action taken by the regime in order to prevent the participation of the opposition will be confronted politically. According to the transcripts of the information provided, Perez Vivas He said that a decision of this nature would increase the rejection of the international community and the irritation of the Venezuelan community towards the regime. Ripe.

The plan would also generate a blow against the legitimacy of the electoral process, which has already been questioned due to multiple irregularities.

“This is a clear attempt to remove the option of Edmundo González from the electoral contest, whose leadership in the campaign corresponds to María Corina Machado,” he emphasized.

Regarding Maduro’s suspicious insistence so that the opposition signs an agreement to recognize electoral results, Pérez Vivas He described it as an attempt to avoid questions about possible electoral fraud. The former governor of Táchira assured that Maduro seeks to avoid any type of challenge and legitimize a possible fraud plan.

“If the Government aims to respect the results, it does not need any document,” Pérez Vivas stated in an interview with Infobae.

This point becomes relevant given that There is already an agreement signed in Barbados between the regime and the opposition to guarantee competitive and transparent elections. However, Pérez Vivas denounced that “all fundamental elements of that agreement are being violated”. The perception among opponents is that the absolute control that the regime exercises over electoral power diminishes any hope of a fair election. According to Pérez Vivas, from the presidency of the electoral body to the voting center coordinators are under government control.

“This proposal to sign an agreement on behalf of Maduro is a tactic with which to silence the voice of the opposition”he emphasized.

The technical aspect of the irregularities was also addressed. Juan Carlos del Pino, rector of the National Electoral Council (CNE), has pointed out that many decisions are made unilaterally without the consensus of all the rectors. Pérez Vivas highlighted that this is worrying for the institutional functioning of the CNE, which according to the law should act in a collegial manner. He also mentioned that there are several violations of the legal system, such as the constitution of polling stations with fewer members than established and the election of secretaries.

Cesar Perez Vivas REUTERS/Leonardo Fernandez Viloria

With the intention of avoiding any fraud, the opposition is preparing to collect and count the results from each voting station independently. Perez Vivas expressed his conviction that citizens will massively support the opposition and that “Nicolás Maduro will have no other way than to accept that reality”. Furthermore, he added that the international situation also forces Maduro to participate in the electoral process, since, otherwise, he would “enter a situation of universal illegitimacy.”

When asked about the possibility of a trap in the six months between the July elections and the inauguration of the new president in January 2025, assuming that the opposition is victorious as the polls suggest. Pérez Vivas said that. Although the presidential term formally ends on January 10, 2025, “The country could demand that the delivery of the government be brought forward”.

This would only be possible if a transitional political agreement was reached. In any case, Pérez Vivas stressed that any maneuver by the executive during that period would be a violation of the Constitution.

The Copei leader expressed his optimistic vision regarding the role of citizen strength in the elections and the determination to achieve change. He also criticized Maduro’s possible temptation to ignore the citizen will, although he highlighted that internal and international pressures could force him to accept the results.

“We are confident that we are going to obtain that majority and Maduro will have to end up accepting reality.””.

Edmundo Gonzalez, the opposition candidate, would be in charge of starting a new government if he wins. The plan is to establish a government of national unity that allows the transition from dictatorship to democracy. Pérez Vivas concluded with the conviction that this new government would facilitate the transition to a market economy and the country’s recovery starting on July 29, when the new president is proclaimed.

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