Castellón gains presence one more year at the PHotoEspaña festival

Castellón gains presence one more year at the PHotoEspaña festival
Castellón gains presence one more year at the PHotoEspaña festival

Castellón gains presence one more year at the PHotoEspaña festivalAndres Gallego

Photography is one of the most popular and relevant artistic disciplines on the current scene thanks to its different visual languages. In the province of Castellón there are a good number of creators who have managed to cross borders to the point of being part of initiatives as relevant as the most important festival of how many are celebrated in our country: PHotoSpain.


In this edition of the quote there are names such as those of Andres Gallego and Photolateralsthe duo formed by the Castellón native Marinela Forcadell and the Valencian Lola Barcia.

The first is part of the Official Section of the event through the collective exhibition of the XVII Edition of the ENAIRE Foundation Photography Awards with his work Interior with Young Woman Seen from the Back. The photographer of Melilla origin but based in Castelló, whose job about the artist Edward Hopper Hopper essence made him known nationally and internationallywas one of the candidates for the prestigious award granted by the ENAIRE Foundation and which has been celebrated since 2005.

The exhibition of the finalists in which Gallego is present, and which can be visited until September 1 at the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, has been established within the framework of PHotoEspaña as a diverse and comprehensive sample of the Spanish photographic panorama. In this 17th call, 764 applications from 18 nationalities were submitted, with a total of 2,069 photographic proposals, and the first prize went to Javier Riera with his work LG NL.

OFF Festival

For its part, Photolaterals participate in the contest through the so-called OFF Festival, a platform designed to give voice to the main design actors in Madrid, inviting them to be part of the event with the development of interesting proposals in their facilities. In your case, It is the Malvin Gallery that is in charge of exhibiting its already famous project of Canned cities. On this occasion, Fotolateras present their most extensive series, which is nourished by different proposals and shows their inexhaustible desire for collecting, visiting new cities and “canning” them through the pinhole camera technique that has made them famous.

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In addition to Gallego and Fotolateras, the province of Castellón gains more presence this year in PHotoEspaña thanks to proposals such as collective exhibition Perpetuum mobile what police station Alejandro Castellote —another old acquaintance in these lands thanks to his relationship with the Segorbino Julián Barón— at the Círculo de Bellas Artes. Irene Zottola participates in this exhibition, one of the artists who this year presents her work in Imaginària, the Castellón Photography Festival organized by the Universitat Jaume I; Specifically, Zottola exhibits his work related to cyanotype in Vilafranca under the title Stone on stone.

Prater Ferris Wheel, Vienna, 2023.

Likewise, Carlos Alba, another of the participants in Imaginària, stands out.. Your exhibition I’ll bet the devil my headwhich can be seen now in the Cathedral Museum of Segorbe —and until June 22—, opt for the best photobook in the creation category of PHotoEspaña 2024.

The photographic talent of, from and for Castellón is more than notable as reflected with authors like these.

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