Buenos Aires museums present new exhibits in June | Buenos Aires City

The city’s museums present new exhibitions in June that reflect the artistic diversity of Buenos Aires. Proposals range from photographs by a 19th-century traveling artist to contemporary looks at American heritage and legacy.

On Thursday, June 13, José Hernández Popular Art Museum will inaugurate the exhibition “Patrimonio consentido” and the exhibition of the works from the “XX Salon of Textile Art in Small and Medium Format”. On Thursday, June 27, “Signs of America” will begin. The legacy of our ancestors” in the Luis Perlotti Sculpture Museum and on Friday, June 28, it will be presented at the Fernandez Blanco Museum “Guido Boggiani and the Chaco. “A 19th century adventure.” In parallel, many exhibitions inaugurated in previous months will continue.

The proposals include everything from photographs by a 19th century traveling artist to contemporary looks at American heritage.


Consented heritage

In it José Hernández Popular Art Museum (Av. del Libertador 2373).
Opening: Thursday, June 13 at 6 p.m.

In light of a current perspective, more than 40 pieces from the Museum’s collection will be presented, to highlight different discourses, problems and contemporary debates. The collection, made up of traditional and contemporary crafts, is linked in this exhibition to symbolic constructions, senses and emotions. Evocations of memory, life stories, aromas, sounds, textures, colors, will constitute a sensory experience for visitors. The proposal is to perceive these pieces with all the senses. The heritage works will show different levels of reading: that of content and that of materiality. In the Annex Room.

XX Small and Medium Format Textile Art Show

In it José Hernández Popular Art Museum (Av. del Libertador 2373).
Opening: Thursday, June 13 at 6 p.m.

The Salon is an annual event in which national and foreign artists participate, organized by the Association of Friends and the Museum. Installed in the Argentine cultural panorama, it grows year after year with a high participation of artists and proposals that renew and expand the artistic and textile field. The visitor will find in the selected and awarded works a diverse universe of techniques that combine the traditional with the experimental and organic, inorganic or synthetic materials and that are, as a whole, a sample of textures, volume and color. The jury was made up of Stella Carone, Berta Teglio and Ana Zlatkes.

The Textile Art Salon is an annual event in which national and foreign artists participate.

Signs of America. The contemporary legacy of our ancestors

In it Luis Perlotti Sculpture Museum (Pujol 644).
Opening: Thursday, June 27 at 6 p.m.

The exhibition arises from extensive research by Argentine artist Pablo Madrid, who has carried out a study on Latin American art, delving into Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. And it materializes in a creative process with works that combine traditional materials and techniques, recovered as new, a synthesis of the worldview of the American people. In this contemporary artistic repertoire, the value of the oral transmission of ancestral knowledge, rites and ceremonies present in the Andean world prevails. Guest artists Elsa Mareque and M. Viviana Paz also reflect along this line, and with their own language, in painting and mixed media. His works amalgamate in the visual and sensory itinerary that Pablo Madrid proposes. In addition, the exhibition pays tribute to Alfredo Yacussi (1941-1996), a great artistic reference committed to the ancestral legacy, whose collection is part of the Perlotti Museum’s heritage.

Guido Boggiani and the Chaco. A 19th century adventure

In it Fernandez Blanco Museum – Noel Palace Headquarters (Suipacha 1422).
Opens: Friday, June 28 at 12.

Guido Boggiani was a renowned plastic artist, ethnographer, merchant and photographer, prominent among the group of American and European travelers who toured South America at the end of the 19th century. While many of them were interested in representing an exotic view of the interior of the continent, the photographic work of the Italian artist, focused on the Gran Chaco and Mato Grosso—mainly on the Caduveo and Chamacoco tribes—differs from that vision. The particularity of Boggiani is that he combines scientific-ethnographic interest with sensitivity, aesthetic intuition and commitment to those “others”, and thus results in a true meeting of identities and cultures. The exhibition therefore seeks to honor the legacy of this transcendent visual and documentary heritage that, at the turn of the century, accounts for a still unexplored region.

During June, samples such as Troilo, the other Gardel del Abasto, The history of Buenos Aires filleting and From muse to creator: the role of women in artamong other


Samples that continue

  • Adolf Methfessel. The scientific painter” and “Minimal Interventions II” at the Enrique Larreta Museum of Spanish Art (Av. Juramento 2291)
  • Brotherhood” at the José Hernández Museum of Popular Art (Av. del Libertador 2373)
  • 28th Biennial Exhibition of Textile Art and “The common thread” at the Eduardo Sívori Museum of Plastic Arts (Av. Infanta Isabel 555)
  • Wilenski, photographer of artists” at the Pablo Ducrós Hicken Cinema Museum (Agustín R. Caffarena 51)
  • Troilo, the other Gardel del Abasto” at the Carlos Gardel House Museum (Jean Jaurés 735)
  • From the car to the painting. The history of Buenos Aires filleting” at the Buenos Aires Museum (Defensa 223)
  • From muse to creator. The role of women in art”, until mid-June at the Perlotti Museum (Pujol 644)
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