The photographer and ‘food stylish’ capable of photographing the most ‘pretty’ hamburgers in the world, and which the big brands raffle off for their advertisements

Marta Muñoz Calero is one of the few food stylists that exist in Spain; the big brands raffle it off for their advertisements

Born in Madrid and about to turn half a century old, she considers herself journalist by training and photographer by passion. «I started in the profession with great enthusiasm, but it soon faded. First I tried a newspaper, because I thought that was what I was going to like the most, and that wasn’t the case. From there I jumped to the women’s press, where I stayed for several years, until I took a new turn to the sports world.

His parents were very friends with Javier Arenzana, Spanish paddle tennis champion, so the family moved to Argentina to make rackets. So his father asked him to design a logo. “I was very good at drawing, I took some Rio markers and one afternoon the Padel Lobb logo was born.” The company grew so much that Marta left the magazine, although she continued as a collaborator, and she joined this business adventure that had a store on María de Molina Street. «A year later my parents sold the company, with me on the design team. Shortly afterwards I became pregnant and when I returned, I realized that I didn’t want to be on the staff. Thus she began her adventure as freelancewho started as a menswear designer at the Amichi brand.

The photographer, with her camera. EM

“I had made some courses on design, product, technical sheets, and other pattern making». He spent four years in the position while studying various photography studies in his free time. «He took photos, but not professionally. “I signed up for a master’s degree in photography and gastronomic styling, since gastronomy magazines drove me crazy,” he says. He again returned to the world of the press, but now behind the camera: «They began to commission me to take photographs and food styling. with total freedom of creation. Soon, the world of advertising took notice of his photographic art. «My first call was from the supermarket producer Eroski. That’s how I started to be food stylish either home economist “as this profession is also called, which is not very common in Spain.”

Among the portfolio of clients with whom he has worked are companies of the stature of Burger King, Telepizza, Papa Jones, Rodilla, Coca ColaMahou, Heinz, Orlando, Cuca preserves or Kentucky Fried Chicken.

He learned the art of making any food look more appetizing to the eye with two courses in France and New York, although, he points out, that “You learn by working, trial and error”. All the sessions take place on the outskirts of Madrid, in large industrial warehouses, with high ceilings to move all the devices and recreate “false recipes” such as ice cream, which is made with mashed potatoes, dyed and Garnish with dry ice to create a cold appearance. The lettuce, for example, is pinned. «And no one can eat anything we make on set since we use glycerin, furniture stripper…».

One of the ‘models’ portrayed by Marta. EM

He also does drink campaigns, and about beer he explains that the important thing is to maintain the foam, “so you have to constantly create a fake one. We have different tricks: shaving foam or a siphon“And for the most complicated shoots, they even have machines created by engineers. “To simulate fire, for example, compressed air is used.” For this job you need to have a lot of confidence, a good hand and, of course, creativity. “Going tired to a session can cause problems,” he says..

Now wants to take an Artificial Intelligence course, because “everything is going to change, and people who can pivot between disciplines will know how to swim better in this professional future of troubled waters. AI will do the technical part of our jobs perfectly, analyzing patterns of what already exists, but everythingWhat makes us human and imperfect, what has a soul, will be authentic». She has also just requested the services of a mentor for creative coaching. «I am about to turn half a century of life and I think a change would not be bad. Something gastronomic, but with a philosophical and audiovisual point.

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