Scratch graffiti tribute to Migue Benítez in San José Obrero

Scratch graffiti tribute to Migue Benítez in San José Obrero
Scratch graffiti tribute to Migue Benítez in San José Obrero

The Youth delegate, Carmen Pina, has accompanied the graffiti artist Fran Castro on the day in which a mural dedicated to Migue Benítezan artist widely recognized for his talent and musical contribution, and for his songs with the group The Criminalswhere he shared a career with The Canijo from Jerez and Diego Pozo. He was also present on this visit Manu Benitezbrother of the artist.

This design will be finished in the coming days on the wall of the train track in San José Obrero, and will be inaugurated next week, the Thursday June 20coinciding with what would be the 41st birthday of the scratch artist.

Fran Castro’s design also recalls Migue Benítez’s friendship with Francisco García ‘Kisko’resident of San José Obrero, graffiti artist, and designer of the first Los Delinqüentes logo, who died in 2002. That original sketch of the logo will be included in the mural, one of the details that will turn this work into an emotional and dedicated image to the memory of the two friends.

Carmen Pina He highlighted that “we are starting a project that has been in the works for a long time and when we were introduced to it we thought it was very beautiful and had a lot of scribble feel, with a mural in a neighborhood where Migue Benítez was very loved.”

Fran Castrofor his part, has pointed out that “when I made the La Paquera mural, I already had in mind to paint Migue, he is from my generation, he was a figure that was very present in my youth, and I also had the pleasure of painting with Kisco, so there was a very nice connection between the three.”

This morning, it was also revealed that the graffiti will include the manuscript of a letter that Miguel dedicated to Kisko and the graffiti signature of this Jerez native. The image of Migue has been taken from a photograph from the day she turned 19, when she was on tour with his first album.

Manu Benitez has recalled that “in those concerts of The Garrapatero Feeling, Migue began to wear his white glasses upside down, he made the world known about what ticks and being a tick enthusiast consisted of.” In this mural, Migue will smile at us as his brother explains “from a blue and eternal sky, without an expiration date, just as he left written on his poetry book ‘How to clench your teeth’“.

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