This is how Pedro Sánchez and the Telefónica advisor appointed by the Government plagiarized his book

The book that Pedro Sánchez and Carlos Ocaña published in 2013, proposed by the Government as advisor to Telefónica, is a nonsense of plagiarism without any dissimulation. Titled ‘The new Spanish economic diplomacy’ and based on the doctoral thesis of the President of the Government contains, as ABC could audit, a minimum of 161 lines totaling 1,651 words from six foreign texts to which the authors do not cite or reference. The texts copied without embarrassment were an intervention by the then Minister of Industry Miguel Sebastián in the Congress of Deputies; a statement from the Spanish Presidency of the EU; a parliamentary response from the Zapatero Government; a regulation of the Secretary of State for Commerce; the press release of a Council of Ministers; and the presentation of an ambassador at a round table at the Camilo José Cela University.

When analyzing the book, one piece of evidence can be verified, and this is the undoubted participation of Pedro Sánchez in plagiarism, since the text copies documents that were born in events in which he was present as a deputy or as a university professor. This was documented by this newspaper in a report dated September 24, 2018:

One of the most significant plagiarisms is uncovered by consulting the Congressional Session Log corresponding to March 11, 2010, which includes an intervention by Miguel Sebastián. The then Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce went to the Lower House to present the “bill to reform the system of financial support for the internationalization of Spanish companies.” After his speech, the party spokespersons took the floor. Who spoke for the PSOE? A deputy named Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón. Three years later he “shot” Sebastián’s intervention in his book as if it were a text of his own production, without quotation marks or any type of reference: 207 words that occupy 19 lines.

One of the plagiarized pages in the book by Pedro Sánchez and Carlos Ocaña


Another copy-paste comes from the Official Gazette of the Congress of Deputies, series D, number 459, of October 14, 2010. It is a written response from the Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero to a question from the PP about the negotiation of the trade agreement with Mercosur. Pedro Sánchez and Carlos Ocaña shamelessly plagiarized the heading of the response and the three points of which it was composed. The plagiarism is so literal that it matches point by point and comma by comma with the original document. Furthermore, on one of the pages of the book, page 155, Sánchez plagiarized the same paragraph from the Session Diary twice.

It goes on and on, because they also plagiarized an official note from the Spanish Presidency of the European Union and written as an agency ticker that appeared in some media. The text referred to the Association Agreement that the EU had reached with the Central American countries. Pedro Sánchez copied it verbatim, He did not put quotes and he did not refer to the source.. The only thing he altered was the order of the fourth paragraph of the news, which in his book becomes the first. There are 25 lines of ‘The new Spanish economic diplomacy’.

There are still three other foreign texts that Pedro Sánchez and Carlos Ocaña plagiarized: the document from the Secretary of State for Commerce, the press release from a Council of Ministers and the presentation by the Spanish ambassador Manuel Cacho at a round table at the Camilo José University Cela.

The first is a literal copy of the Ministry of Industry when he headed it Miguel Sebastian, which prefaced the plagiarized book, so everything was left at home. As for the text from the Secretary of State for Commerce, it is a document that appeared in Revistas ICE, the publication dedicated to Foreign Trade, in September 2012, and is published on the Internet. Finally, another of the stolen texts was the presentation given by the Spanish ambassador Manuel Cacho at a round table at the Camilo José Cela University on February 25, 2013, which was revealed by ‘El País’ but without talking about plagiarism. Sánchez, who was then a professor at the Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences of the UCJC, was one of the organizers of the event. He “shot” 454 words in about 45 lines of his guest.

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