The book that I always recommend to my friends because it made me much more productive and organized

The book that I always recommend to my friends because it made me much more productive and organized
The book that I always recommend to my friends because it made me much more productive and organized

It is not necessary for September to arrive and all the changes that it brings with it for us to want to focus and focus on a goal. It is true that that month means get back to the routine, getting out of the roller coaster of plans and emotions that summer brings with it to enter again into that comfortable space that I had been creating during the rest of the year. Work, training, reunions with friends… But the rest of the year we can also press that “reset” button if we want and we propose it.

Whether in the jobin the universityin the preparation of some oppositions or simply in our day to daythe organization It is key to not lose focus and achieve everything we set out to do. There is a lot written about the keys to being more organized, and on the Internet we find thousands of tricks, but personally there is a book which I always recommend because of how much it helped me.

Launchmetrics SpotlightVALENTINA VALDINOCI

It is true that I am not much of a fan of classic self-help books that change your life, but rather a book, I seek to escape from reality, capturing me from the first page and getting me fully immersed in its story. But this one was given to me at a time in my life where everything seemed to overwhelm me, from work to my personal life, and the truth is that it helped me a lot.

It’s about the book ‘The 7 habits of highly effective people’, of Stephen R. Covey, a very easy and fluid read that, despite its length (it has about 500 pages), can be read in a short time because it hooks you so much. In them, as the title itself anticipates, the author proposes seven habits that will help us be more effective.

Courtesy of Amazon.

Although in reality it is much more, because it not only “guides” us to be happier, but also much more productive, effective and efficient in all areas of our lives, both at the level professional as staff. These seven habits are a kind of tools with which we can face our daily lives with another perspective, getting out of negativity or any blockage we may have and learning to better manage our problems.

With thousands of positive reviews, what almost everyone agrees on is how it makes you change your focus on your life, seeing things with a different mentality. The price varies depending on the version, but we can find it from 8.50 euros.

What are these seven habits

  1. Be proactive.
  2. Have always an end in mind.
  3. Establish prioritiessee what comes first.
  4. Think about gain/gain.
  5. First understand the rest and then be understood.
  6. understand the advantages of the synergies between people.
  7. Always keep the balancewithout getting lost along the way.

More productivity books

‘The Power of Habit’ by Charles Duhigg

Book: The power of

‘Atomic Habits’, by James Clear

‘Atomic Habits: Small Changes, Extraordinary Results’, James Clear

‘The Solution to Procrastination’, by Timothy A. Pychyl

‘The Solution to Procrastination’, by Timothy A. Pychyl

If you want to get your act together with productivity, these books can help you in your daily life with such a goal. We know it’s not easy, but the only way to achieve it is to try, so… Let’s get to work!

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