How to get free books on Google: the infallible trick that will save you money

The new feature that brings readers closer to thousands of texts and relevant information. What steps must be followed to access.

Google. Photo: Pexels

The world of the Internet has taken over all areas of the user’s life, from images that are created with simple instructions, to complex programs to learn about technology. Ebooks have replaced paper and many readers are looking for ways to read books without spending money.

That’s why, Googlethat stores all kinds of informationwas a vital tool to be able to continue reading with an application that can be used to the fullest with a few simple tricks that it hides up its sleeve.

Google. Photo: Pexels

Reading; books; dream. Photo: Unsplash.

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What is Google’s trick to get free books about?

One of the features it offers Google the thing is You can find all kinds of books for free and uploaded in PDFready to be downloaded and read from any device.

There are, of course, online sites to download a book for free, but they are not always safe. However, Google put an end to this problem with the following search engine: “”.

Google Google. PHOTO: Pexels.

Once this code is written, the user must leave a space and continue with the title of the book they are looking for. For example: “ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”. Finally, simply press “next” and a search will be displayed with all the complete books and in PDF to download on any device or to read online.

Thanks to this search you can access a large number of files that Internet users have uploaded throughout history. Educational documents can be foundsuch as exams, books, essays, theses and other things, as well as complete movies and even series without requiring a direct link.

Book, writing, reading. Photo: Unsplash Book, writing, reading. Photo: Unsplash

Book, writing, reading. Photo: Unsplash

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To be able to access it, the mechanism will be as follows:

  • Open Google Chrome.
  • Place in the search engine: SITE:DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM and add the name of the series or movies you want to search for. (for example: SITE:DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM Spiderman)
  • Files with options will be displayed to be able to select which one is best for the user.

In this way, not only will readers have all the book files you want to readbut movie buffs will also be able to enjoy their favorite movies, as long as they are uploaded to the internet.

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