UCASAL presents the book “Alternative Tourism. Reflections of a horseback riding guide”, by Hernán Rafael Uriburu

UCASAL presents the book “Alternative Tourism. Reflections of a horseback riding guide”, by Hernán Rafael Uriburu
UCASAL presents the book “Alternative Tourism. Reflections of a horseback riding guide”, by Hernán Rafael Uriburu

The Catholic University of Salta, through its publishing house EUCASA, will present the work “Alternative Tourism. Reflections of a Horseback Riding Guide”, by Hernán Rafael Uriburu. The compilation and comments were made by Marcelo J. Vera and Horacio Cornejo, within the framework of the research project “Tourism as a vehicle for encounter and hospitality. The interpellation of the “other” as a scale of humanist discernment in the tourism exercise” of the UCASAL Research Council. The event will take place at Patio San Francisco, Córdoba 33, this Friday, June 7, at 6:30 p.m.

Hernán Rafael Uriburu, pioneer of alternative tourism in Argentina

Hernán Uriburu was the dean of the horseback riding guides of Salta and Argentina, with national and international fame. He founded the Association of Alternative Tourism Operators and Providers, collaborated in emblematic graphic productions of the sector such as the magazines “Lugares”, “Tiempo de Aventura” and the travel section of the Buenos Aires Herald newspaper. His participation in the television program “The Adventure of Man”, a special about the Train to the Clouds (1993) and as a guide for the Camel Trophy race (1994) are emblematic.

Uriburu recorded much of his professional and life experience in what he called his “stories”, reflective narratives about the profession of Alternative Tourism Guide.

The book takes the reader in a friendly way to the territory of the hills of Salta, where shepherds carrying our Creole culture still live; proud bearer of values ​​among which hospitality and respect for the land stand out. The stories, arising from the author’s experience, after years of touring the area and sharing time with locals and tourists from all over the world, are offered loaded with wisdom for those who currently practice the tourism profession or are preparing to do so by taking courses. Bachelor’s degree in tourism and University Tourism Guide. Those who know themselves as tourists passing through this world will also find great benefit and enjoyment in reading it, especially the friends of Hernán, Inés and their children.

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