Chickpeas from books – Partidero

Chickpeas from books – Partidero
Chickpeas from books – Partidero


It is a pleasure for Partidero magazine to start its cultural magazine on this date, which it baptizes with the humorous name of Garbanzos de a libros. The expression is taken precisely in the metaphorical sense of said conjunction of nouns that the public gives it in its daily use. Finding a chickpea weighing a pound, which is equivalent to about half a kilo of conventional weights, means an unexpected discovery, a major surprise, coming across something out of the ordinary.

The cultural collaborators who will participate in this section will give us on more than one occasion these unexpected gifts to which the name of the magazine alludes. All the amanuensis who agreed to participate in its construction are experienced scribes and people seriously involved in letters. We are sure that the winner of this bet will be our patient public, the one who follows up on our doodles every day and honors us with the selection of our readings.

We think that a magazine, a newspaper like ours, even if it is digital, is crippled if it does not contain a cultural section. There is a whole past in this sense, which we can draw on. But we are not going to point out inheritances, nor claim birthrights. It is the hope of all of the editors that our generous reading public enriches their daily perspectives with the contributions they receive from our pages. Every day of the week those who open our page will find the contribution of one of our collaborators. Each reader will become fond of the cultural analyst of his choice. It is our hope. And with this presentation we start the proposal to create the cultural section of Partidero, which is already coming to your attention: Garbanzos de a libros. A cordial hug to everyone, and we start.

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