Book in which “Coco” Roper “tells her truth” is released next Sunday

Book in which “Coco” Roper “tells her truth” is released next Sunday
Book in which “Coco” Roper “tells her truth” is released next Sunday

BY Mariana Valladares | June 3, 2024, 5:23 PM

Nicole “Coco” Roper, influencer Costa Rican and source of inspiration for many compatriots, will release his biggest project this Sunday: his book Look at me. spoke with Roper, who indicated that for her this book is “like coming out naked and telling her truth for the first time.”

“This book is the biggest project to date, and one of my biggest dreams, one that I set for myself when I was super sick. I never thought it would come true, but here we are. It’s around 285 pages, so which is a pretty big book. We go through my entire life: from my four years to the woman I am today. It is a book without a filter,” said the ‘influencer’.

In this work, she tells how she has let go of her traumas, weights and pain. She talks about addiction, the errors that come from vices, the sexual abuse she suffered and everything that this experience triggered in her life.

“We talk a little about everything. They are strong stories, so if a woman is suffering from some type of abuse or trauma, it can cause some type of anxiety, since the book is written quite graphically,” she highlighted.

He concluded by saying that the important thing in this work is that “people see the ‘Coco’ of today, I am not a saint, I have done many bad things.”

​”I am nervous about how my audience will receive this book, in the end the one who is on fire is me.

“This book is dedicated to Eli, my daughter, it is like a fund for when she is an adult, when she goes to university, and knows that she has my unconditional support. The main message of the book is that no matter where we are, there is always a best place we are going to be able to go,” he concluded.

Roper has been fighting cancer for four years and has always shared his health condition with his followers, a platform from which he receives a lot of love and support.

Although her kidneys are very deteriorated due to her illness, “Coco” does not stop smiling and, once again, will use her condition to empower more women.

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