“It’s time to sweep the street of Moors”

“It’s time to sweep the street of Moors”
“It’s time to sweep the street of Moors”

If there is an adjective that all police sources agree on when defining Kevin Pastoralleged perpetrator of the shooting of Borja Villacís, is the “violent”. This 24-year-old young man, arrested last Wednesday for shooting dead the brother of the former vice mayor on the El Pardo highway (Madrid), has a long criminal record: almost fatal assaults, fights, robberies, drug trafficking… Crimes, in most of them, connected to their “reason for being”: far-right movements. Kevin’s beginnings in radical neo-Nazi circles date back to when he was still younger. It was when she began to participate in events lead incidents for which he even entered a reform center in the Community of Madrid.

However, his entry there was of little use, police sources warn. After his departure, Kevin Pastor continued on the path of crime, even on a large scale, engaging in ‘drug abuse’, for which he was even in Alcalá Meco prison. In fact, at the time he perpetrated the crime, along with his friend, Ismael Idrissi, and his mother, María José Estopa, he had a search and arrest warrant for drug trafficking in progress. In the Madrid prison they remember him for his “especially aggressive” behaviorbut if there is one place where he left his mark it was in the reform center.

‘On the hunt’: Kevin’s chapter

Vicente Manjón Guinea was one of his educators and was so perplexed by Kevin’s violent behavior that years later he wrote a book —High Aims (Red circle)—about their experiences in the center with minors who were serving a judicial measure, especially with those with neo-Nazi tendencies. One of the chapters —Hunting— was written by the author, according to what he tells this newspaper, “thinking about the experience he had with Kevin Pastor.” His work, he says, gets to the bottom of “the problems that exist currently with violent youth gangss». “Young people who have no future vision other than joining these groups that make them believe they are stronger and falsely protected,” she reflects.

The author remembers the day that Pastor entered the juvenile center as a precautionary measure “after havingassaulted a homosexual couple in the Plaza de Chueca, with multiple fractures in an arm and ribs as a result of repeated blows with brass knuckles and baseball bats. Before that, he describes the profile of a minor, related to neo-Nazi circles, who prepares in his room to “go hunting”, that is, in search of quarrels and fights. “He finishes dressing while his blood boils thanks to deafening music that inflames the soul with lyrics of hate and resentment.”

«It’s time to start sweeping the city of shitty Moors, black people who eat bananas, and drunken homeless people. It’s time to raise the flag for Spain. To impose a new order based on a clean homeland and a tarnished honor. He laces his boots. He puts on his black t-shirt, which announces the fight in letters with runic characters and an eighty-eight on his back. He takes hold of his Bloomberg jacket, and in its hidden pockets he jealously keeps his brass knuckles, a cutter and an extendable baton,” he writes, inspired by the youngest, Vicente Manjon.

holocaust denier

Han decided to meet in one of the occupied premises in San Sebastián de los Reyes, nerve center of its operations, to “drink and listen to music wildly chanting lyrics from groups like Estirpe Imperial: ‘We’re already drunk, I’m starting to notice it, and our aggressive instinct is starting to surface, we’ll look for fights all over the city and when we’re tired, we’ll go back to the bar'” . “Yeah. The moment has come. And this time it was their turn, the faggots, those who call themselves the LGTBI collective…”, says the author, recreating the homophobic aggression for which Pastor was admitted to the center.

Manjón taught a values ​​education class to the minors at the center and, regarding anecdotes with Kevin Pastor, he especially remembers a session in which they were watching a documentary about the BBC about the Holocaust. «All the kids were very shocked by the images of the concentration camps, but he didn’t feel any empathyI was convinced that everything was a lie,” the author recalled, in statements to The country. He was, he said, so involved in far-right circles that he even tried to instruct his colleagues. “He always took the role of leader”he points out.


Today, that minor who was serving a sentence for having perpetrated an attack on you is being investigated for a blood crime. The National Police maintains the settling of scores for drug trafficking as the main hypothesis in the murder of Borja Villacís. Mainly because of the links that most of those involved had with drug trafficking. The witnesses with whom investigators have spoken, on the other hand, maintain that they had arranged to hit each other. An extreme to which the agents give little weight given how the encounter took place and the numerical superiority of the group in which Villacís was: six people and four cars. “They had arranged to settle a drug issue or to warn the family clan, but everything went wrong”they point out.

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