The books of the week: Annie Ernaux, Ramón Lobo and Ana Garralón

The books of the week: Annie Ernaux, Ramón Lobo and Ana Garralón
The books of the week: Annie Ernaux, Ramón Lobo and Ana Garralón

What they say or nothing

Annie Ernaux. Voltaire Cabaret. €21.90

The Nobel Prize winner’s last book Annie Ernaux published by Cabaret Voltaire in Spain, it stars Anne, a teenager who tries to communicate and understand the world around her. But it’s in vain. Neither the words of her parents, nor those of the student she meets during the holidays, nor those of the books she reads seem to reflect the reality she lives, and she feels more alone every day.

Wolf Pension

Ramon Lobo. Peninsula. €19.90

After being diagnosed with cancer and relapsing when it seemed that the worst was over, the renowned journalist and war correspondent Ramon Lobocollaborator of Iberian Press, decided to dissect death from his own experience. The result is these posthumous memoirs (he died last year in Madrid) that amalgamate reflections, memories, hope and resignation.

The raiders

Ana Garralón. The outskirts. €17.95

Ana Garralónone of the greatest specialists in children’s and youth literature, takes a personal tour of the life and work of some of the pioneers of this genre in The raiders. Women, books, childhood. A book in which we will discover writers, oral narrators, illustrators, photographers and editors who “broke new paths and were almost hurtful with the conformism of the moment.”

The painter’s daughters

Emily Howes. Alba Editorial. €20.90

With his first novel, The painter’s daughters, Emily Howes won the Mslexia prize for unpublished manuscripts. In it it tells the story of Peggy and Molly, daughters, and models, of Thomas Gainsboroughone of the most famous English portrait painters of the 18th century, two young women who go out of their way to resemble the idealized image of them that their father shows the world in his portraits.

Sand in the eyes

Laura Casielles. KO books €23.90

The Spanish view towards Morocco and Western Sahara It has been fed for decades by understandings, rhetorical pirouettes, distrust, patriotism and nostalgia. It is what sustains Laura Casielleswho in this book shakes up some of the most repeated speeches and confronts them with more humble testimonies, moving to historical scenes to dismantle war rumors.

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