5 literary news about longevity in 2024

Books that address the topic of longevity are gaining popularity among readers, as their pages address important issues about active and healthy aging. In fact, in them the combination of science, tips practical and experiences personal for those who seek to live longer and better: the nutritionhe exercisethe genetics and innovations medical These are some of the most covered topics. In short, these works provide a comprehensive vision of how maintain vitality as one advances in age and a reflection on how small lifestyle modifications They can have a big impact on longevity.

The importance of acquiring knowledge from these compositions is, therefore, evident. Therefore, in the following article we offer you a list of the latest books on longevitywhich will give you the keys to staying in the best physical and mental condition as you advance in age.

‘Your body, your home. Longevity depends on you’, by Rafael Guzmán

Cover of ‘Your body, your home. Longevity depends on you’ (Planet of Books)

Rafael Guzmanclinical psychoneuroimmunologist from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, explains in Your body, your home. Longevity depends on you (Espasa) the habits that determine health present and future. Factors like the atmospherethe thoughtsthe foodcontact with the nature or the quality of dream are some of the parameters that intervene in the equation of health and aging.

The author explains that, by modifying the inherited customsa change in gene expression can occur and live longer and better.

‘The Six Secrets of Longevity’, by Dr. Gladys McGarey

Cover of ‘The six secrets of longevity’ (Planet of Books)

As her name suggests, Dr Gladys McGarey reveals in The six secrets of longevity (Planet) its six tips to live with vitality, joy and determination.

The author and centenarian doctor recommends spending the energywork in equipmentleave the area comfort to overcome the pains and maintain a purpose of life. All this from one point of view holistic that aligns body, mind and spirit.

‘The pyramid of longevity’, by Maria Puntí

The literary news on longevity in 2024 (Amazon)
Cover of ‘The Longevity Pyramid: The definitive guide to recovering vitality, healing from within’ (Amazon)

María Puntí shares in The Longevity Pyramid: The definitive guide to regaining vitality, healing from within (Vergara) the essential elements for the health carewhich guarantee the better aging possible.

The correct nutritionhe rest appropriate, the development of muscle mass or the acquisition of vitamins are, according to the author, some of the factors that can prevent the vast majority of diseases and ailments.

‘Your health starts here: Learn to take care of yourself and enjoy a healthy life’, by Xevi Verdaguer

The literary news on longevity in 2024 (Amazon)
Cover of ‘Your health starts here: Learn to take care of yourself and enjoy a healthy life’ (Amazon)

In Your health starts here: Learn to take care of yourself and enjoy a healthy life (GRIJALBO), Xevi Verdaguer explains the latest scientific advances of interest to human health. Throughout the pages, the author teaches how cleanse the gut and brainas well as the benefits of following circadian rhythms.

With the aim of motivating readers to do sustainable changesVerdaguer offers the tools and tips that provide a source of vitality and inspiration.

‘The Body Code: Unleash Your Body’s Self-Healing Capacity’, by Bradley Nelson

The literary news on longevity in 2024 (Amazon)
Cover of ‘The Body Code: Unleash Your Body’s Self-Healing Capacity’ (Amazon)

Bradley Nelson teaches at The body code: Unleash your body’s self-healing capacity. Complete Guide to Global Healing (Gaia Ediciones) the keys to holistic healing.

According to the author, physical, mental and emotional problems arise from six key areas: energiesthe misalignmentsthe pathogensthe toxinsthe circuits and systems and the nutrition and Lifestyle. To the solve the imbalances In these areas, the body’s healing potential is activated.

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