The Fira del Llibre closes its doors with an increase in sales of 15 percent

The Fira del Llibre closes its doors with an increase in sales of 15 percent
The Fira del Llibre closes its doors with an increase in sales of 15 percent

The Fira del Llibre closes its doors with an increase in sales of 15 percentDM

He Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca yesterday put the icing on the cake at the 42nd Fira del Llibre de Palm with a closing event that included the participation of writers, readers and booksellers. She did it during a special edition of the IB3 Television program I know + that you, which was followed by a concert by the band Nostra Terra from Son Ferriol. It was the end of a fair that for ten days has filled with books Bornwith great success in attendance at the different programmed activities and with an increase in sales at exhibitors of 15 percent compared to last year.

A moment from the closing ceremony. | DM

Between best selling books This year there are some of those who have been represented in the organized activitiesas History of Mallorcaof Veronica Fiolwhich was presented for the first time last Tuesday at Born, but also other recently released titles such as The seduction of Sarah Torres either a white shadow of Carmen Riera.

‘Una ombra blanca’, by Carme Riera, one of the best-selling books. | DM

Among the changes compared to previous editions, This year the 5% discount was recovered, something that “has also served to encourage sales,” according to the president of the Gremi de Llibreters, Miquel Ferrer. In addition, they opted for an intense children’s program that has attracted numerous families to the fair, as well as the implementation of a pilot test with three schools in Palma (CEIP Génova, CEIP Establishments and CEIP Es Secar de la Real) that has resulted in the participation of almost 200 students in activities offered during school hours. The presentations and book signings have also had “good participation” among audiences of different ages and profiles.

Premis Llibreters de Mallorca

This year, in addition, the granting of the Llibreters de Mallorca awards, a recognition with which the members of the Gremi want to highlight the best publications that have appeared during the last two months. Starting yesterday, these awards will be found in the different establishments with the sticker that distinguishes them as deserving of this recognition. To choose the winners, all Gremi members were invited to make proposals for candidates from which the following titles were chosen after two rounds of voting.

The Llibreters de Mallorca award for the best book in Catalan has gone to Ofert a les mans, el paradís crema, by Pol Guasch. The finalists have been Monica of Daniel Clowes and The federal of Sebastian Alzamora.

For its part, the award for the best book in Spanish has gone to Baumgartnerof Paul Austertranslated by Benito Gómez Ibáñezwhile the finalists have been A sunny place for gloomy people of Mariana Enriquez and Blackwater of Michael McDowelltranslated by Carles Andreu.

Other award-winning titles have been 1,500 recipes of Mallorcan cuisineedition by Gabriel Morell and Antoni Contrerasaward for best non-fiction book; Molly Wind, librarians a cavallof Toni Galmes and Catalina González Vilar, best children’s and youth book; and Pere Garauof Magdalena Gonzalez and Cristina Llorenteaward for best local book.

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