The life of Chilote Llenas in a documentary and a book

The life of Chilote Llenas in a documentary and a book
The life of Chilote Llenas in a documentary and a book

The extensive career of Winston –Chilote Llenas in baseball has been collected in a documentary and a book, products that will be presented at the León Center in Santiago on Wednesday, June 26.

The general producer of the documentary, journalist Héctor J.Cruz, is also the author of the biographical book of Chilote, which will be publicly released on the aforementioned date.

The 75-minute documentary was made by the company CinePlus, and the script was written by the Santiago journalist Tuto Tavarez. Marino Vásquez has been camera director and director, and journalist Rolando Eduardo Fermín has also participated in the interviews.

In the cinematographic work part, journalist Manuel Díaz, technician Ricky Hernández as production assistant and Fernando Pérez Popoter and Lisandro Pichardo have also participated in the editing and special effects.

The launch event will take place at 6 pm on the 26th, with the presence of Chilote, his wife Cecilia, his four daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren, members and directors of the Aguilas and Lidom.

Also participating with special testimonies are the singers and supporters of the Aguilas Fernando Villalona, ​​Eddy Herrera, Robert Liriano and Diómedes (Grupo Mío).

Among the former Aguilas players, Chilote’s teammates, Tony Peña, Luis Poland, Felix Fermín, Alejandro Taveras, as well as his brothers Anthony and Gustavo Llenas.

A group of old childhood friends offer the experience of their friendship, such as the lawyer Negro Veras, Arturito Fermín, Tomasito Jimenez, José Augusto Vega Imbert.

Chilote recounts the great relationship he had and maintains with the Mexican league through the teams Cafeteros de Córdoba, Charros de Jalisco, and Diablos Rojos de México, a team of which he was player-manager. The Mansur family owned those three clubs and the friendship with them and the Llenas family is still maintained.

It also narrates his six-season stint in the Major Leagues with the California Angels, with whom he debuted in 1968.

Chilote Llenas also played for a season in the Japanese league, and there he had Mateo Alou as a teammate in the mid-70s.

Llenas, 80 years old, is currently vice president of Lidom, and Ad-Vitam president of the Aguilas Cibaeñas.

Precisely in the documentary Llenas he highlights the great influence and friendship he has had with two presidents of Lidom, Dr. Leo Matos Berrido and the current president Vitelio Mejia.

Chilote began to be part of the Aguilas when he signed as a professional on Christmas 1960. He debuted with the team in 1963, and since then he has been present in the club in different roles in 21 of its 22 crowns.

He has been a player, manager, administrator, manager, advisor and president of the team, first for 15 years and then for two more years.

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