”Song of ice and fire” in an endless pause

”Song of ice and fire” in an endless pause
”Song of ice and fire” in an endless pause

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- George RR Martin has not done justice to his own story.

The writer promised a heptalogy of “Song of ice and fire”and it lasted five books, and has left all fans of its story waiting for the last two works.

In August, thirteen years have passed since the publication of “A Dance with Dragons,” and it seems that the literary saga will not have closure in the immediate future.

Although the series “Game of Thrones” from HBO had its end, whether the fans liked it or not, regardless of that, the story on paper continues with two open chapters: “Winds of Winter” and “Dream of Spring”.

The fifth book ended with a stabbed Jon Snow, his wound emitting smoke. It cannot be assumed that the rhythm of the series is the same as the books, since this was an adaptation with many freedoms, so many that there were a series of characters eliminated, who in the book play a role that in the series was given to others.

The literary development of the characters is far from what HBO gave them in the series, honestly on the small screen there were many loose links, the result of the punishment of a budget that was being exceeded, in all probability these are not consequences that reach the freedoms of the paper.

Meanwhile, it has been rumored that the sixth book of the Heptalogy will probably be published this year, nothing is certain, at least not as certain as the fact that on Sunday the 16th the second season of “The Dragon House”and as the news that another spin-off is being worked on that will be a prequel to “Game of Thrones” inspired by Nymeria, the warrior princess Rhoynar and her exodus on ten thousand ships, which is still in a much earlier phase than the other spin-off about the stories of Dunk and Egg.

It is a fact that the popularity of the television adaptation surpassed the books. It is estimated that globally the series in its eight seasons (73 episodes) exceeded 14.6 billion views, although it may be much more taking into account that there was an unaccounted audience that watched it through unofficial channels.

While the literary saga has managed to sell more than 90 million copies worldwide. It is still hoped that the author can return to his literary roots to give the saga an ending that may be different or at least better developed than on the screen.

Regarding his progress, the author has said that “Winds of Winter” is an “enormously complex” book, and that the writing time has exceeded what he anticipated, and he has revealed that the plot and the number of characters involved have been challenging for him. he; Added to this, the Covid-19 pandemic also influenced the delay in his creative process.

Martin has made it clear that until he finishes “Winds of Winter” he will not begin writing “Spring Dream”, which will be the closing book of the entire saga, and which he wants to live up to the story.

Martin’s saga is extensive, the copies range from 850 to 1,200 pages, so the sixth and seventh literary installment will not be inferior.

Since 2011, when he published the fifth book of the heptalogy that gives life to the “Game of Thrones” series, which is the title of the first book, the 75-year-old writer has published seven short novels derived from that universe of kings, dragons and betrayals that began in 1996 when he published the first work in the saga.

For now, the wait for the last two books of “A Song of Ice and Fire” will continue to be long, it seems.

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