“Nature is transformed” by Oscar Borja, a book that talks about being transgender

“Nature is transformed” by Oscar Borja, a book that talks about being transgender
“Nature is transformed” by Oscar Borja, a book that talks about being transgender

Talk about the topics of gender and, particularly, of the gender identity It is a conversation that has historically been complex. Dogmas, beliefs, philosophical and scientific theories have surrounded this conversation in order to find an explanation that helps understand why a person does not identify with their biological gender.

Oscar Borja in his book Nature transformsthrough simple, very clear language and supported by important research, explains the most relevant aspects of the physical and emotional development of the human beinguntil you understand everything behind it.

It also addresses the legal shortcomings what lies behind this topic and as a closing of the investigation tells the experiences of trans women such as Endry Cardeño, Mara Cifuentes, Daniela Tabora, Abigail Pereira, Juana Jimenez Del Toro, among others.

Among the objectives that the author has with this book is to be able to provide readers with tools so that they themselves, with knowledge, can create their own opinion. “The call is to respect and empathizechallenging discrimination and hate, advocating for a world where lThe diversity of gender identity is not a reason for division, but rather for understanding and acceptance.”.

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In Point We spoke with the writer about the entire investigative process that the book had, the testimonies of some trans women and the legislative reality that exists in Colombia.

Listen to the full interview below:

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