Why have they tried to attack Fonsi Loaiza during his book signing?

Fonsi Loaiza, a renowned leftist-oriented journalist linked to Podemos, has been a controversial figure in the Spanish media, facing various controversies throughout his career. Recently, he has regained public attention due to an incident that occurred during the Madrid Book Fair.

During a book signing session, Loaiza was approached by two individuals who taunted him with insults such as “fucking red” and “faggot.” The situation quickly became tense, provoking an angry reaction from Loaiza, who responded to the verbal attacks. The alteration attracted the attention of the Municipal Police present at the event.

EDATV has obtained the testimony of a witness who witnessed the events. According to the witness, “I was there and I saw everything. This guy is always provoking people, he is the typical one who makes harmful comments on Twitter. People got fed up and went after him. What need does he have to offend people?” that you don’t even know?”

Sources close to the events warned Loaiza about the possible repercussions of his provocative actions. The national police themselves mentioned that they were fulfilling their duty, but that if they had not been present, the situation could have escalated even more. “The short young man seen in the video could have attacked him,” said an agent. Loaiza frequently resorted to insults on Twitter, including one to a person who had recently died, which was used as a trigger for violence.

Loaiza expressed his frustration on social networks about what happened. In addition, he has criticized that the attackers were not arrested and regretted that the police reprimanded him for using terms such as “Nazis” to describe his attackers. On his Twitter account, he wrote: “Today I suffered a far-right attack at my book signing shouting red shit, faggot. The police did not take them into custody and recriminated me for calling them Nazis.” “

This incident has fueled the debate on freedom of expression, security at public events and the role of law enforcement in situations of ideological confrontation.

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