Presentation of the book “The path of non-violence”

Presentation of the book “The path of non-violence”
Presentation of the book “The path of non-violence”

Presentation of the book “The path of non-violence”

  • Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Santiago de Chile, Román Díaz nº 89, Providencia.
  • Wednesday, June 26 – 6:30 p.m..

The book, an anthology of aphorisms by MK Gandhi, edited and translated by Alan Meller (Descontexto Editores, 2023), will be presented by Jessica Sequeira, Armando Roa Vial and the translator. This activity will be moderated by Felipe Cussen, IDEA-USACH researcher.

Reading this text becomes essential to lead new generations on a path full of values ​​to face violent times. Gandhi was a lawyer, writer and Father of the Nation of India. He fought in South Africa against discrimination against his compatriots, where his idea of ​​non-violent disobedience was born, which implied not submitting or fighting against the prevailing power, but rather disobeying it and not cooperating with it. This book is a selection of aphorisms compiled from articles, essays and letters in which he developed his philosophy of life in favor of the fight for people’s civil rights.

Of Gandhi, Albert Einstein said: “Future generations will hardly believe that a man like this walked the earth in flesh and blood.”

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