La Rioja took a step forward in caring for the environment and confirmed a novel urban solid waste management program

La Rioja took a step forward in caring for the environment and confirmed a novel urban solid waste management program
La Rioja took a step forward in caring for the environment and confirmed a novel urban solid waste management program

With the aim of improving the lives of the residents of the municipality of San Martín, this Monday, Governor Ricardo Quintela signed an agreement for the perimeter closure of the final solid waste disposal site in the city of Ulapes and, jointly, the launch of the Provincial Urban Solid Waste Management Program.

Through his X account, the provincial leader expressed: ““This work, which involves a great economic effort for the provincial government, is part of a comprehensive project that includes a recycling plant and a nursery, and that in the future will be replicated in other departments of the province.”

In the midst of signing the agreement, Quintela announced that the financing of the program will be carried out with provincial funds and stressed that given the critical situation that the country is going through, in economic and financial matters, in La Rioja, it is given the “importance that it really has the environment, fundamentally the treatment, organization and final disposal of garbage.”

As for the steps to follow, the provincial government stressed that the first stage is the enclosure of the properties, which has to do with the environmental management of the territory and beginning to minimize the negative impacts of wind and erosion on the waste, how it spreads or how it multiplies. After the enclosure of the properties, work will begin on those that need to be reinforced with machinery or work tools.

For his part, the mayor of the General San Martín Department, Uriel Vargas, assured: “the closure of the urban solid waste plant is something significant for us. We have to work as healthy municipalities, providing an example and in a certain way, organizing ourselves, training ourselves, and seeing how the people, the community, become aware of caring for the environment.”

“I have always highlighted the federalism that Governor Quintela talks about. Today we have to be the first department, and that stands out a lot to us on this issue, because just as we have been working, it was my turn as a deputy, as mayor, to always have answers,” he added. Vargas.

La Rioja advances in sustainable mining

Weeks ago, the province was included in the Fraser Institute ranking, which evaluates the most attractive regions for mining. Although La Rioja is ranked 83 out of 86 jurisdictions, its inclusion stands out compared to traditionally mining provinces such as Catamarca, Chubut, Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro and Santa Cruz, which were left out of the ranking in 2023. This advance is part of the presentation of the “Development Plan for Mining Activity in La Rioja”.

The La Rioja mining plan is aligned with current regulations and international commitments, especially with the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In line with these objectives, the provincial plan seeks to promote public policies that promote sustainable economic growth, promote technological innovation, improve infrastructure and promote environmentally responsible practices. These efforts are aimed at minimizing the negative impacts of mining, enhancing the benefits and contributing to the mitigation of climate change and the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity.

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