Yuri Soria-Galvarro publishes Bahía Tenóforo, his first book of poetry

Yuri Soria-Galvarro publishes Bahía Tenóforo, his first book of poetry
Yuri Soria-Galvarro publishes Bahía Tenóforo, his first book of poetry

This is the new adventure of the Chilean-Bolivian writer who, together with the Aparte publishing house, reaches bookstores with his first book of poems, which are influenced by his obsession with the sea, with the southern channels and biology.. Some of the texts that make up Bahía Tenóforo were part of a compilation with which Soria-Galvarro won the Fernando Santiván Prize in 2010. These poems show us a protagonist in constant search, like a scientist exploring internal landscapes.

By Mariana Hales

“In Tenóforo Bay Yuri Soria-Galvarro invites us to embark on an introspective, but at the same time empirical, journey that navigates from the origins of the universe to molecular biology. Soria-Galvarro reveals to us how poetry can be a refuge from the discomfort of everyday life. The book is a poetic log of 80 days, a testimony of the ups and downs of the human exodus that crosses both narrative and lyric, a logical-emotional journey that confronts us with our own nostalgia to discover the beauty and complexity that lie on the landscape”, expresses the poet Melissa Castillo in the back cover text.


“It is much more difficult for me to write a novel, but I can sit down every morning and move forward with the story. On the other hand, it is difficult for me to impose poetry. Poetry comes, I don’t really know from where or when. It’s like a state of mind, something related to melancholy or daydreaming, there is also humor, or word games, and then I have to start writing at that moment, because if not the magic goes away and it may not come back in a good time. time. Sadness or lack is also undeniable as the driving force of the poetic impulse; when I am happy I go to have a few beers with my friends; when I am half sad, sometimes I write poetry. Deep down I have a lot of respect for poetry, it is difficult for me to declare myself a poet, I prefer to say that I am a narrator who wrote a book of poetry,” he comments. Yuri Soria-Galvarro.

The author

“Yuri Soria-Galvarro’s work makes it possible to look at that implacable life that still persists in the Chilean south. In that life that is located, mainly, between the area of ​​the Reloncaví bosom, or the Gulf of Ancud, a space nourished by that island geography that is at the same time unmistakable. In these poems, navigation faces the complexity of the sea, which drags boats and bodies, the latter to damp and cold taverns, where humanity communes with the names of birds, towns, but also with the singularities of the city where inhabits As a publisher we are interested in exploring regional poetics, and in this particular case, the work of Yuri Soria-Galvarro is today one of the essential works of the Los Lagos Region, where he is a cultural manager, ornithologist and narrator, although these poems are the best evidence of the vitality in which his work moves, and of course, the richness of the diversity of styles that today stand far from the large urban centers. On the other hand, we are interested in the ways of approaching language, to a large extent, because he does not separate it from the context from which it is born, on the contrary, he integrates it as in a large fishing net” he says. Rolando Martinez, editor of Editorial Apart.

Yuri Soria-Galvarro (Cochabamba – 1968) He was born in Cochabamba, Bolivia and lives in Puerto Montt. He has a degree in Marine Biology and a Master in Literary Creation, as well as a professional diver, photographer and musician. He has published the books of stories: The Border (2001), Travel Chronicles, Mar Interior (2006) and Tales of the South Pacific, (2015), the novel The Pursuer of the Light, (2019) and Bestiary of Suralia, with illustrations by Marcelo Paredes, (2022). In 2010 he won the Fernando Santiván Literary Contest with the book Sur en Poesía. In 2015 and 2020 he was a beneficiary of the Literary Creation Scholarship from the Ministry of Culture for Cuentos del Pacífico Sur and the novel El tiempo de silico. In 2017 he won the Gabriela Mistral Literary Games Municipal Prize with the novel El chaser de la luz.

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