the new version of one of his more than twenty books arrives

the new version of one of his more than twenty books arrives
the new version of one of his more than twenty books arrives

In his surprising career, since in 2010 he won first prize at the Vendimia Literary Contest (later he won it twice more), Omar Ochi has written 21 books and is working on the next (The world in a shadow boxcollection of short stories). The muse is inexhaustible, but it is not just about inspiration, but about a lot of craftsmanship and work, a taste for perfection, the daring to launch into experimentation and discovery without fear of challenges.

Many things come together in the work of this writer, which is a true literary powerhouse and which This Thursday he will present a retelling of his book “Labyrinth of poorly told stories and hysterias” at the García Santos Bookstore (San Martín 921, City) at 8 p.m.. This is a second, revised edition of the text he wrote during the pandemic and first published in 2022.

This new version was already presented in May at the XIV Microfiction Daywithin the framework of the 48th Buenos Aires International Book Fairwhere the writer shared the stage with great national and international references in the short story genre.

Built with a solid and meticulous narrative architecture, the book demands active and attentive readers not to get dizzy in the passages of the plots that intersperse and offer, each time, a different perspective that helps decipher the map of this literary labyrinth. Quotes, tributes, references, mirrors. There is everything in the book.

“The title of the work is, precisely, a nice nickname to somehow name those fantastic and even everyday stories where the situations are labyrinthine and connect us with other alternatives of resilience or escape, always within the framework of hysteria and contradictions. human, but they also make us understand that a version, in addition to refuting an old truth or narrative, also transforms it into an obsolete or poorly told view. Each story in this book has three versions.”Omar tells us.

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Author’s works

  • desert book (2010)
  • Edel: the book of eleven doors (2011)
  • history of time (2013)
  • Edel II: What is life? (2013)
  • Chimeras in the air (2015 and 2017)
  • Chronicles of jealous men (2015)
  • Malena’s four dreams (2015)
  • Suitable for all stone (2016)
  • Alenguei, the moon of the moon (2016)
  • star chasers (2016)
  • The nights of Tilcara (2017)
  • Stories to read in the queue of the desperate (2018)
  • The ways of the crow (2018)
  • Twenty-two treasures for a walker in the age of the voracious path (2019)
  • Edel III: windows and stories of reborns (2019)
  • The third machine of forgetting (2020)
  • Forty ways to be invisible (2020)
  • Labyrinth of poorly told stories and hysterias (2022 and 2024)
  • Simplicity of complex worlds (2023)
  • At twenty-five at night (2023)
  • I still dedicate myself to being born (2023).

The appointment is this Thursday at 8 p.m. at the traditional García Santos bookstore (San Martín 921, City)a refuge for local literature, where, with a grateful heart, we have been invited to accompany the author in this new creative adventure with a few words of introduction.

You can follow Omar Ochi on the networks.

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