the necessary book 30 years after the attack

Alejandro Rua, book attack on the AMIA.webp

He book by Alejandro Rúa It does not count the 30 years that have passed since the attack, but rather the first 30 days. This cut is not a coincidence, since that first month marked practically the entire investigation into the attack. In fact, the author is one of the people who has had the most access to the documentation on the attack, which he has taken advantage of to write about the accused, the power and what the judicial investigation was like after the attack on July 18, 1994. .

In the book, Alejandro Ruawho was executive secretary of the Special Investigation Unit created by the national government in 2001, plaintiff’s lawyer for victims of the attack and defender in the case of the memorandum of understanding with Iran, tells how the Argentine State ignored the warnings, the functioning of the SIDE and the government of Carlos Menem, the preparations for the attack and how all of that made possible the occurrence of an attack that could have been avoided.

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And as Rúa says, many of the people who are accused of having participated in the AMIA attack They were not unknown. “Many of them were already being investigated for the attack on the Israeli Embassy,” explained the author, who pointed out that both the Mossad and other agencies had warned about them and their movements and that there could be an attack similar to the one that occurred two years earlier.

“The story continues and ends with the first accusation. In those days, a first intelligence maneuver was raised with a false solution. These 30 days allow us to present a clear account of what the attack was like, but also of how we acted before and after.” , explained the author of the book.

In fact, everything that points out Street In his book, he agrees with the recent ruling of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which attributes responsibility to the State for the attack on the AMIA by ignoring the alerts and not doing the appropriate follow-up on the suspects, but also on the subsequent investigation. Without a doubt, an attack that has several black pages in history and for that reason, the book “30 days. The plot of the AMIA attack” It is a necessary book.

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