The 10 best-selling books of the week

Already in the middle of summer, there are few changes in fiction, where it continues at the top Joel Dickerwith his new novel, A wild animal. Another best seller is also still in good position, Snobthe new story of Elisabet Benavent. And unbeatable classics from these weeks continue like Fernando Aramburu, Gabriel García Márquez either Paul Auster.

In non-fiction, meanwhile, a phenomenon remains unbeaten, Marian Rojas Estapé, with his third book: Recover your mind, recapture your life. Share list with the wonderful photography book hidden Spainof Cristina García Roderopublished by PHotoESPAÑA, with the new essay of another self-help classic, Rafael Santandreuand his Don’t make mountains out of molehills. These are the 10 best-selling novels and essays of the week.


1. A Wild Animal; Joël Dicker. Alfaguara. 23,90 ¤ (Fiction)

2. Recover your mind, recapture your life; Marian Rojas Estapé. Espasa. ¤20.90 (Non-fiction)

3. Snob; Elísabet Benavent. Sum. 21,90 ¤ (Fiction)

4. Baumgartner; Paul Auster. Seix Barral. 20,90 ¤ (Fiction)

5. The crack of silence; Javier Castillo. Suma. 21,90 ¤ (Fiction)

6. Don’t make mountains out of molehills; Rafael Santanderu. Grijalbo. 20,90 ¤ (Non-fiction)

7. The child; Fernando Aramburu. Tusquets. ¤20.50 (Fiction)

8. See you in August; Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Random House. ¤19.90 (Fiction)

9. Hidden Spain; Cristina García Rodero. Factory. 59 ¤ (Non-fiction)

10. A peculiar story; Manuel Vincent. Alfaguara. ¤19.90 (Fiction)


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A CORUÑA: Arenas. ALBACETE: Herso. ALMERÍA: Picasso. ÁVILA: Letters. BARCELONA: La Central, Alibri, Laie. BILBAO: Chamber. CÁCERES: TodoLibros. CÓRDOBA: The republic of letters. GIRONA: Geli. GUADALAJARA: Emilio Cobos. LEON: Artemis. LOGROÑO: Santos Ochoa. MADRID: Alberti, Casa del Libro, El Corte Inglés. MURCIA: Alameda. OVIEDO: Cervantes. PALENCIA: Iglesias. PALMA: The library of Babel. PAMPLONA: Abárzuza. SALAMANCA: Corsair Letters. SAN SEBASTIÁN: Lagun. SANTIAGO: Couceiro. SEVILLE: Verb TENERIFE: The lectern TOLEDO: White sheet. VALENCIA: Paris-Valencia. VALLADOLID: Oletvm. ZARAGOZA: Calamo

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