Love, sex and Cuba, the book All the legs in the air invites you to do so

Love, sex and Cuba, the book All the legs in the air invites you to do so
Love, sex and Cuba, the book All the legs in the air invites you to do so

This is how the Cubaliteraria site describes the plot of this text, winner of the 2018 Critics’ Prize and Casa de las Américas Prize in the Short Story genre, and which the Cuban Book Institute proposes for this regular meeting.

The site described the book as being full of “devastating and beautifully sententious images.”

In this volume, 10 stories are brought together with a cutting, sharp and accelerated narrative rhythm that captures the senses of the readers until they move or become accomplices of their characters, Cubaliteraria noted.

“All legs in the air” shows a Cuba drawn from the different geographical and human spaces of characters whose destinies are known, inevitably, marked by fate, the page cited.

Rafael de Águila (Havana, 1962) is a Cuban narrator awarded in the short story genre with several awards, Alejo Carpentier, Ibero-American Julio Cortázar, La Gaceta de Cuba and Casa de las Américas.

His texts were published in anthologies in Italy and Cuba, and several of his stories were adapted for the stage by a theater collective from the University of California, presented in the United States and then here.

The Carlos Barón Theater Group, from the University of California, United States, brought six of his short stories to the stages of that country in 2002.

Later, in 2006, the Jury of the Alejo Carpentier Annual National Narrative Award recommended the publication of his second book of short stories, “Ellos orinan de pie” (They urinate standing up), by the publishing house Letras Cubanas.

In his work, the titles “Último viaje con Adriana” (1997) and “Del otro lado” (2010), both Ed. Letras Cubanas, and “Otra brizna de tiempo” (Ed. La Luz, 2019), among others, stand out.


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