Beatriz Giménez (Paypal Iberia): “SMEs are increasingly aware of how necessary digitalization is for their survival” | Companies

Beatriz Giménez (Paypal Iberia): “SMEs are increasingly aware of how necessary digitalization is for their survival” | Companies
Beatriz Giménez (Paypal Iberia): “SMEs are increasingly aware of how necessary digitalization is for their survival” | Companies

Digitalization has become an essential driver for the competitiveness and growth of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). As technologies advance at a dizzying pace, SMEs face an urgent need to adapt so as not to be left behind. A crucial aspect of this transformation is the adoption of payment solutions for commerce on-line.

With the increase in e-commerce, SMEs must implement secure and efficient payment platforms to meet consumer expectations and ensure smooth transactions. In line with the challenges and needs posed by the now known as the fourth industrial revolution, the online transaction giant PayPal has launched in Spain and 20 other European countries Complete Paymentsa global payments solution that allows SMEs to accept payments on-line via credit and debit cards, PayPal, PayPal Pay in 3 Installments, Apple Pay, Google Pay and other alternative payment methods around the world.

On the occasion of the launch of this new tool, Five days has spoken with the country manager of PayPal Iberia, Beatriz Giménez, who has pointed out the main challenges and benefits that SMEs face in their digitalization process and how Complete Payments can help them on a path that can be tortuous if the necessary resources or knowledge are not available to implement these solutions.

“SMEs are increasingly aware of the importance of digitalization for their survival and growth,” said Giménez, but only 28% have commerce on-line. A dissonance that is due to several factors, including the lack of resources and adequate advice. The head of the company in Spain and Portugal pointed out that “SMEs have limited resources and a lack of digital knowledge and advice, which makes it difficult to implement medium or long-term projects.”

Despite these challenges, digitalization offers numerous advantages for SMEs, allowing them to expand their reach and attract more customers: “Digitalization allows you to reach more customers, not only locally, but also internationally. The PayPal brand is synonymous with secure transactions and its global presence facilitates cross-border commerce, increasing trust and security for consumers,” explained Giménez.

Security has precisely become one of the aspects that companies take into account the most due to the increase in trade. on-line: “More than 50% of SMEs that close do so due to a cyber attack,” said Beatriz Giménez, underlining the importance of security. From PayPal they comment that they use sophisticated artificial intelligence models and a vast amount of data to protect against fraud, offering robust security to their users.

In addition, the acceptance of various payment methods familiar to consumers increases the probability of making sales by more than 30% according to company data. Giménez highlighted that solutions such as “buy now and pay later” offer flexibility that can significantly increase sales: “This option increases the probability of purchase by 50% and is increasingly popular among all generations,” commented the country manager. Additionally, this solution has no additional costs for consumers or merchants and easily integrates with PayPal solutions.

Security is another key concern for SMEs in the digital world. PayPal addresses this issue with advanced tools to prevent fraud and manage disputes. “PayPal offers advanced tools to prevent fraud and manage disputes,” said Giménez. These tools not only improve security, but also reduce operational costs by minimizing the need to manually manage fraud and disputes.

PayPal not only offers technology, but also comprehensive support to SMEs, facilitating their access to a variety of payment methods and protection tools with a single provider. “PayPal provides scale, technology and innovation that SMEs cannot achieve alone. SMEs are essential for us, we continually have them in our hearts and they are key to the strategy to revolutionize electronic commerce,” concluded Beatriz Giménez.

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