It is 100 years old and is surely the most controversial object that Coca Cola has manufactured since it was born.

It is 100 years old and is surely the most controversial object that Coca Cola has manufactured since it was born.
It is 100 years old and is surely the most controversial object that Coca Cola has manufactured since it was born.

In 1925 Coca Cola launched a swastika-shaped keychain that today would undoubtedly be its most controversial item.

Coca Cola is still today one of the most consumed sugary drinks in the world along with Fanta and Pepsi.

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What can we say about Coca Cola that hasn’t already been told? The well-known company and firm of sugary drinks is one of the most present in the world. Their soft drinks are everywhere and in the most varied flavors. The last of them based on the metaverse. Due to its fame, the company has also released articles of all kinds and one of them has become controversial decades after coming out.

Nobody knows the original recipe for Coca Cola, although there is a group of inhabitants of a town in Spain who claim to be the real inventors of the drink. Whether it’s true or not, Coca Cola has been used separately for many other issues., even to launch a promotional mobile with realme and do chemical experiments with mentos candies. Be that as it may, nowadays it is everywhere.

At one time it was a symbol of good luck, but today it means something else.

Now, and although it is no longer so common among brands, at the time Coca Cola did great merchandising campaigns to promote your star product. In recent times, soccer balls, cell phone cases and almost anything where the logo would fit were made. Going back a hundred years Coca Cola put on the market a rather peculiar keychain that today would be very controversial..

In 1925, the company created a swastika-shaped keychain., the symbol that Adolf Hitler’s Nazis would later choose to represent their political movement. However, and due to the dates, the Coca Cola keychain came out years before that happened. And because? Because the swastika before the Nazis represented good fortune in different places. In Spain we have a good example with El lauburu vasco.

Of course, at Urban Tecno we do not accuse Coca Cola of anything, but the story is still curious. Especially the topic that has to do with the resignification of symbology over time. Images that at the time had a clear message were later transformed into something else that is currently abhorred, and rightly so, by modern societies.

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