The app that uses AI for people with speech problems

In the field in which almost all of us work, technology is a multi-faceted tool that we use to optimize our productivity or brighten our leisure time. But technology can also be a means to solve problems that affect people. very important issues in the lives of many people. The explosion of AI in recent years has come at an extraordinary time to add its strength to more traditional technologies and launch exciting projects that improve real lives.

Samsung, through its project Technology with purposehas developed the app together with Cheil Impulse. Thanks to her, people with speech problems have regained fluency and what months before starting to work with Impulse It seemed impossible, now it is a reality. Some 70 million people, representing more than 15 of the world’s population, suffer from interruptions in speech, repetitions or prolongations of sounds, syllables or words.

Rhythms and a clock


Impulse translates each syllable into vibrations that are transmitted to the user’s wrist.

These types of pathologies are treated in the most current speech therapy with what is known as rhythm therapy. through her An attempt is made to create a subconscious compass in the brain that helps patients support their speech. in those rhythms that the brain is building. The way this therapy works is exciting. Until now, unfortunately, it could only be put into practice in the speech therapist’s office.

Technology with purpose has been developing accessible and inclusive technology of value to society for 10 years

Impulse and the Samsung Galaxy Watch6 They have managed to bring therapy from the rhythm of consultations to patients’ wrists. An algorithm based on Natural Language Processing analyzes the rhythm of words and transmits that information to its user through vibrations on the wrist. In this way, relying on the vibrations of the wrist, Anyone with speech difficulties can progress towards fluent speechso necessary for multiple aspects of life.

Alfonso FernandezIberia CMO & Head of Direct to Consumer at Samsung Electronics Iberia, comments that “As with other Technology with purpose, Impulse It is designed to offer another way of inclusion in groups that have been affected by social isolation, in this case, by stuttering. We are proud that Technology with Purpose continue to offer solutions to improve people’s daily lives. In this case it is an application based on AI, the most revolutionary technology of the moment, which at Samsung we approach from an inclusive, safe and sustainable perspective.”

Daily work

Getty/Luis Alvarez

The objective is that users of Impulse recover fluent speech in any situation.

AI, along with Impulse, It is an extraordinary help, but it does not work magic. It is the daily work with them through different exercises that ends up leading to achieving the goal. The app has more than 250 exercises grouped into three types and by levelsso that the progress of patients is progressive and constant.

The exercises begin with the syllable, with the adaptation of the vibration to each of the users, to advance in rhythm, tone and, finally, in the speech. Each userbefore practicing a text, assigns the desired tone so that the vibrations also include information about it. At the end of the road, patients are able to speak in public and, in some cases, even perform on stage!

Impulse is an application for Android phones and the Galaxy Watch6 range of smart watches

Behind a project like this there are many experts who have dedicated hours and effort to its implementation. Goncalo Lealclinical director of the SpeechCare/Stuttering Center, tells us that “it is an honor to collaborate with organizations that offer innovative solutions to problems as real and present as stuttering. To date, the number of technological solutions specifically designed for stuttering has been very limited. and the portability that Impulse offers can be of great help for these people”.

Impulse represents an advance in the quality of life of its users. At the same time, it is an example of the responsible and supportive use of the technology that we love. We know that AI is being used for a lot of wonderful projects and it is a pleasure to hear about them.

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