Keys to taking advantage of opportunities in the age of AI

The emergence of disruptive technologies such as AI allows for great improvements in different areas, but the human factor will continue to be essential to make appropriate use of this innovation.

When American director Spike Jonze released Her in 2013, no one hesitated to include that film in the science fiction category. Few imagined then that this story, in which a lonely man played by Joaquin Phoenix established an emotional bond and even fell in love with his virtual assistant, would be so close to becoming a reality just a decade later. Although science fiction stories have always been one step ahead of technological progress, the emergence of ChatGPT A year and a half ago it brought AI systems closer to the daily lives of millions of people.

The evolution of these most disruptive technologies opens a wide range of opportunities in all areas of society and the economy, as highlighted at the meeting Discovering opportunities in the age of AI, organized by EXPANSION and The World In collaboration with BBVA.


“Our vision is one of cautious optimism: the opportunities and potential benefits are enormous, but the limits must be clear,” explained Álvaro Martín, head of Data at BBVA in Spain, about AI. Although the capabilities of this technology can help solve many problems, there are still several challenges ahead. Martín pointed out that “there are technical challenges around AI itself, others of a regulatory nature and, in addition, it will be necessary to manage the impact of this technology.”

Are people prepared to deal with the rapid changes driven by AI? “Human beings have the ability to adapt to changes, but with certain times and rhythms that are important to respect,” he warned. Laura Rojas-Marcos, graduate in Clinical Psychology from New York University and doctor in Clinical, Forensic and Health Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid. It is a learning process, which “can generate stress and uncertainty, but we have the tools to face it without getting carried away by fear or emotions,” said Rojas-Marcos.

The spirit of innovation is linked to all sectors, even those with a social component as marked as restaurants. Proof of this is the emblematic Celler de Can Roca, which has an innovation and creativity center like La Masía (I+R). “We are entering a new era: AI is one more tool that we are going to use to continue cooking, but without forgetting the artisanal intelligence that is still necessary,” he indicated. Joan Roca. For example, he added that ChatGPT can be of great help when exploring molecular correspondences between different ingredients.

On the other hand, the financial sector has also had to adapt to relevant changes throughout its history, from the appearance of credit cards to the birth of the Internet at the time. “The key to adaptation as a bank is to always place the customer at the center,” he stated. Gonzalo Rodríguez, director of Business Development at BBVA in Spain. In order to offer the best possible user experience, he clarified that “the client wants the greatest convenience and availability of the bank, but also a very personalized relationship and advice.”

Thus, Gonzalo Rodriguez He emphasized that “we try to leverage technology both to provide employee growth opportunities and to improve the customer experience.” In this last section, he added that “the combination of the smartphone with the use of data has made it possible for advice that was previously reserved for a certain specific segment of clients to be democratized in recent years.” As proof of this, the BBVA application receives around 120 million interactions every month in Spain.


This technology-driven transformation, which is revolutionizing the way people work and even relate, has an inevitable emotional impact for everyone. “The way we explain to ourselves those things that happen to us, or to what reasons we attribute them, will greatly influence not only our thoughts and emotions, but also how we behave,” he stressed. Laura Rojas-Marcos. Thus, he commented that people with a more proactive attitude are better prepared to face uncertainty, since they will show a greater propensity to ask questions and educate themselves.

Joan Roca He stressed that, in a restaurant, “human capital is very important.” For this reason, El Celler de Can Roca began collaborating more than ten years ago with the clinical psychologist Inma Puig to emphasize active listening and provide a better response to the concerns of her team. Beyond technology, the chef was convinced that in the future customers will continue to come to the restaurant to “feel cared for and seek authenticity.” Roca concluded that “AI is going to help us in the creative exercise, but we will be the ones who do the cooking.”

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