Tips to save and not waste the mid-year premium

Tips to save and not waste the mid-year premium
Tips to save and not waste the mid-year premium

Arrive Juneand with this, came one of the most anticipated moments for Colombian workers each year: mid-year bonus payment.

This transfer must be carried out in a mandatory manner by the employer, which, as specified in the Law 1788 of 2016will correspond to 30 days of salary per year“, which will be recognized in two payments: one at the close of the first half of the year and the other in the second.

(More: Mid-year bonus: what are those who fail to pay this benefit exposed to?).

It is worth mentioning that, according to the same law, this covers only dependent employees, regardless of whether they are employed under a permanent or indefinite contract. Employers have until June 30 to pay the first premium payment.

Mid-year bonus


Although many people use this money on expenses such as leisure, travel or the market, the bonus can also be beneficial for investing responsibly. Portafolio consulted an artificial intelligence to provide some advice on how to do it correctly. Its Tthe results were.

1. Investment funds: Investment funds represent an effective alternative for portfolio diversification. Fixed income, variable income or mixed funds can be selected, depending on the investor’s risk profile.

2. Actions: Investing in shares offers the possibility of attractive long-term returns, although it carries a higher level of risk. It is possible to invest in shares of Colombian or foreign companies, according to the investor’s preferences and knowledge of the market.

3. Bonuses: Bonds are debt instruments issued by government or corporate entities. The investor can choose Colombian government bonds or corporate bonds, depending on their risk aversion and investment objectives.

(We recommend: Pension reform: unions demand that the contribution threshold be 4 minimum wages).

4. Real estate: Real estate investment can offer stable income through leasing and appreciation of the value of the property. Investments can be considered in residential, commercial properties or real estate investment trusts (REITs).

5. Voluntary pension funds (FPV): FPVs are savings vehicles intended for retirement, which offer tax benefits and a variety of investment options, including fixed-income, variable-income and mixed funds.

6. Financial education: Allocating part of the premium to financial education by purchasing books, participating in specialized courses or consulting with financial advisors can be a valuable strategy to improve investment decision-making and optimize long-term wealth management.

Mid-year bonus

It is essential that the investor carry out a thorough analysis of each alternative, considering aspects such as historical performance, level of risk, associated costs and their personal financial situation. Likewise, it is recommended to diversify the investment portfolio to mitigate risks and maximize returns. If you have specific questions, it is advisable to consult with a certified financial advisor.“added the AI.

Invest it in the New York Stock Exchange

In case you have the opportunity to invest this amount in the US stock market, here are some tips, provided by the Hapi investment app, to get you started.

1. Preservation of capital in dollars: By investing, clients can keep their capital in the world’s most important currency, the US dollar, which is crucial to protect against inflation and volatility of local currencies.

2. Access to global assets: allows direct access to assets of major US companies, which are not available on local exchanges. This diversifies the investor’s portfolio and offers growth opportunities in the most important market in the world.

(Also: The alerts that go off after the drop in tax collection).

3. No investment minimums: There is no minimum required to invest. Users can buy fractions of shares from five dollars and fractions of cryptocurrencies from one dollar, or acquire the entire asset if they wish, facilitating access to investment even with small amounts of money.

4. Ease and speed: The platform is intuitive and does not charge commissions for operations (although there are costs for depositing and withdrawing money, as well as fees of trade execution of between USD 0.10 to USD 0.15 cents by the execution provider).

5. Profitability and growth of assets: While all investments carry risk, investing in the stock market allows people to grow their money over time. For example, the S&P 500, the gauge of the 500 largest U.S. companies that can be invested in through an ETF, has averaged an annual return of 10% over the past decade.


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