Gilmar arrives at Capital Markets: An innovative drive in the real estate world

Gilmar arrives at Capital Markets: An innovative drive in the real estate world
Gilmar arrives at Capital Markets: An innovative drive in the real estate world

This move is part of a service diversification strategy that seeks to take advantage of the knowledge and experience accumulated by the firm in the local market, where they have identified a significant opportunity in the mid-market segment that has not yet been fully exploited.

“We have a highly specialized team in all phases of the real estate investment process, from the initial economic analysis to the performance of legal, urban planning and technical due diligence. In addition, we have the contacts that come with 40 years in the sector. This allows us to offer personalized and highly professional advice, adapted to the specific needs of each client. We are in a unique position to capture and manage real estate investments with high added value,” explains Antonio Ruiz, director of Capital Markets at GILMAR. Current times are witnessing increased volatility, exacerbated by geopolitical tensions that pose significant challenges to the global market. In this context, the demand for alternative investment products is increasing, driving the need for specialized and expert advice, a niche that GILMAR is ready to fill. The company remains a reliable and competent partner, strategically positioning itself to take advantage of emerging opportunities in a constantly evolving market.

“The company understands that adaptability is key in an environment where market winds can change quickly, and that is why we are committed to offering innovative and effective solutions to satisfy the needs of our clients at all times,” adds Ruiz.

Additionally, Gilmar recognizes the importance of being at the forefront of new trends and technologies that are shaping the future of the real estate market. From sustainability to digitalization, the company is committed to leading the way towards a more efficient, transparent and customer-centric sector. With a clear vision and a proactive mindset, Gilmar is prepared to meet the challenges of tomorrow and seize the opportunities that arise along the way.

“There is increasing demand for alternative real estate products, including innovative proposals such as senior living, student residences, flex-living and health-related projects. Hotel and mid-term residential projects are gaining popularity, along with traditional tertiary assets such as well-located offices and industrial products such as data centres. The latter offer interesting opportunities in terms of return on investment, diversification and in some cases, possibilities of change of use. “You have to be very attentive to the opportunities that are emerging,” warns Ruiz.

In response to macroeconomic uncertainty, GILMAR has focused its attention on developing greater certainty in the microeconomic sphere, especially as it relates to asset and property management. The focus is on managing opex efficiently, minimizing deviations and maximizing asset value with an end-user-centric approach. This is complemented by careful design of the capital structure and project financing, thus ensuring financial viability and long-term profitability.

Since the introduction of the SOCIMI regime in Spain and the listing of large real estate companies and developers, the sector has experienced renewed dynamism. This has led to a professionalization of the sector and a change in the preferences of the final consumer, generating a wide variety of new investment opportunities.

Looking to the future, GILMAR observes trends that are redefining the market, such as a greater focus on sustainability in all phases of the real estate cycle, adaptation to the 15-minute city model, and the diversification of real estate uses. In addition, digitalization and technology in asset management, known as “proptech”, will play increasingly fundamental roles.

Thus, GILMAR is not only adapting its strategy to a changing market, but is also leading the way towards a more professionalized and specialized real estate sector. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, GILMAR establishes itself as a key reference for investors seeking not only financial returns, but also to contribute to the development of a more responsible and efficient real estate market.

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