They denounce that a company forced 400 employees to telework in order to fire them by video call

They denounce that a company forced 400 employees to telework in order to fire them by video call
They denounce that a company forced 400 employees to telework in order to fire them by video call

One of the most recognized multinationals in countries like the United States is Stellantis, which has several subsidiaries in important cities around the world.

After the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies have had to face various economic difficulties, so they have had to reduce its work plants with the dismissal of many of its employees.

Stellantis has not been left behind, so it chose a not so direct way of informing its employees who no longer worked in the company.

Some of the workers of one of the subsidiaries of this company in the United States reported that their bosses notified them through an email that they had to telework, a situation that did not cause any inconvenience.

Those who were scheduled for such a day were administrators, technologists and engineers who, although they were surprised by the request for teleworking, did so without problem.

According to the ‘PlayGround’ portal, the email noted: “Important operational meetings will be held that require specific attention and participation. To ensure that everyone can participate effectively, we have decided to implement a mandatory remote work day.”

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However, when the general meeting had already been running for a few minutes, the bosses of these people, They were informed that the reason for this teleworking day was to inform them that there would be a restructuring in the company. and that the meeting had been to massively summon those who would no longer continue working for them.

In this way, 400 people were informed that they were out of work, since Stellantia decided to terminate their employment contract.

According to the company, this decision was made due to moments of great uncertainty that the automotive industry is experiencing in the world.

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Stellantis is a multinational company that represents major car brands such as Chrysler, Jeep, Fiat, Peugeot, among others.

For several of these former employees, this way of informing them of the end of their contract was somewhat impersonal to avoid showing their face and any other type of explanation.


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