generates profits and offers greater value to the customer

generates profits and offers greater value to the customer
generates profits and offers greater value to the customer

The B2B Marketing Committee of the Spanish Marketing Association (AMKT) has held the conference “The effectiveness of co-marketing in B2B” with the aim of exploring the benefits and problems of agreements between brands that direct their sales to others. companies or professionals.
During the day, a talk took place, with the participation of experts from the sector, about different formats of
partnership. In addition, representatives from Nissan and Obramat analyzed the success story of the strategic alliance in B2B marketing of the two companies.

Co-marketing in B2B generates benefits for companies and provides greater value to customers. This has been revealed in the day
“The effectiveness of co-marketing in B2B” organized byhe B2B Marketing Committee of the Spanish Marketing Association (AMKT). The purpose of the meeting, in which prominent experts participated, has beendisseminate the impact of B2B economic activity, a sector in constant growth. During the day, the benefits and problems of agreements between brands that direct their sales to other companies or professionals were explored. To this end, a success story was analyzed and a talk was held about the different formats of partnershipsupported by relevant examples.

The day, held in B the travel Brand Xperience (Calle de Miguel Ángel, 33) began with the welcome of Victor Conde, general director of AMKT. Conde highlighted that the main objective of the B2B Marketing Committee is to promote a still underdeveloped sector in our country, and meetings like this are essential to achieve this.

Afterwards, the talk took place “The keys to Co-Marketing in B2B.” Moderated by Alberto Pastor, Managing Director of Garlic B2B, had the participation of Jorge Lukowski, Global Head Director Mark & ​​Comm by Neoris
Rosa María GámizMarketing Director of Grupo Cador and Arturo García Berzosa, B2B Team Leader Garlic B2B, B2B marketing agency, who offered their opinions on the importance of strategic alliances in co-marketing.

Alberto Pastor He explained that collaboration between companies is attractive due to its high ROI compared to other marketing strategies. Through co-marketing, companies achieve difficult, expensive or otherwise impossible goals. The objective is to collaborate to create new products and services and to share marketing efforts, distribution agreements, knowledge, etc.

Co-marketing usually begins with a specific need, a insight of the client or a new idea. More than 90% of the time, the
partnership It starts with one of the parties, and in more than 70% of cases, the idea comes from the middleman. The process includes identifying the partner ideal, negotiate prioritizing experience and coordinate implementation. Therefore, collaborative predisposition is more important than brand power. It is also crucial to manage expectations and internally sell the project to involve different departments.

Pastor reiterates that the intermediary is essential since it facilitates rapprochement and neutral negotiation, ensuring a balanced and coordinated agreement for its optimal activation.

Alberto Pastor presented several success stories of Garlic, agency specialized in B2B marketing. He explained agreements with important companies, such as Endesa, Bankinter and Disneyland Paris. With Endesa they managed to transform a commodity into something unique. The alliance of Bankinter with different business schools, it made it easier for SMEs to learn about the digital transformation programs offered by the administrations. In the case of Disney Land Paris, they wanted schools to choose it for their end-of-year trips. Sensing that they considered it superficial, they decided to add pedagogical value by partnering with a tour company in France to include a visit to Paris and activities related to cinema.

For its part, Arturo García Berzosa, B2B Team Leader Garlic B2B presented the case of Xeroan Australian company software accounting for SMEs. The goal was to create a platform where accountants and tax advisors could register and offer their services to SMEs around the world. Currently, they have 250,000 registered professionals, a success attributed to the simplicity of the platform and the fact that advisors saw in it an opportunity to grow their businesses.

Berzosa also highlighted the alliance between kia and Repsolwhich materialized in Wible in 2018. With the aim of repositioning its brand, Repsol found the right partner in Kia. Thanks to this collaboration, Kia has managed to get 300,000 users to use its vehicles, strategically promoting its range of plug-in hybrids. For its part, Repsol has transformed its brand image, going from being known only as an energy company to one of mobility.

Rosa María GámizMarketing Director of the Cador Group, explained the alliance between Cador, who designs and builds work spaces, Studio Allianzespecialized in consulting workplace and architectural design, and
simon, leader in low voltage electrical material. Cador’s goal was to reposition itself as a leader in the sector. To this end, they organized a large event with their partners, bringing together leading European professionals to discuss trends in the selection of workspaces. After the meeting, Cador improved his visibility on social networks, increased the rate of email openings and achieved appearances in sectoral media. This has allowed him to embark on new collaborative projects. For this reason, Gámiz highlighted the importance of choosing partners well and the value of combining strategies.

Jorge Lukowski, Global Head Director Mark & ​​Comm of Neorisconsider that the co-branding It is not just a marketing strategy, but a key tool for growth and expansion in the B2B world. He explained the latest collaboration with
SAPwhich led to the opening of the first AppHaus Spanish-speaking, designed to accelerate the digital transformation of its clients. It is a physical space where you connect with the client on a human level. For its presentation, they organized an international event with business representatives and local authorities, achieving a great impact. This collaboration demonstrates how two brands can come together to offer solutions that facilitate digital co-creation, drive innovation and improve customer relationships.

Nissan and Obramat: a success story of the strategic alliance in B2B marketing

Finally, a dialogue was opened between Aina Peris, Sales & Marketing Fleet Section Manager from Nissan and Roberto LopezOmnichannel leader of Obramat, moderated by Alberto Pastor in which they analyzed the case of their strategic alliance. Through this one-year agreement, Nissan – a leading commercial vehicle and services company – has become the reference brand and partner for marketing and communication activities of Obramat—a leading company in the distribution of materials for construction and renovation—has given Nissan spaces to hold commercial exhibitions in its warehouses.

In addition, Nissan has contributed two vans for a raffle among Obramat’s professional clients; It is helping to stimulate new warehouse openings and proposes challenges to self-employed workers and SMEs about the capabilities of the range of Nissan commercial vehicles. Likewise, Obramat’s collaborators and professional clients enjoy special conditions for the acquisition of Nissan commercial vehicles.

For Aina Peris, the agreement arose in order to recover share in the construction sector. The first steps involved explaining the project well to all departments to reach a consensus, accepting the need to compromise on certain aspects. He values ​​the experience positively, although he emphasizes the importance of meeting established deadlines. He highlights that the intermediary is key, since he has experience and works to benefit both parties, reducing time. He concludes that motivation, constant communication and the presence of an intermediary are essential to facilitate and accelerate the process.

Roberto Lopez He explained that they are in a phase of “mutual knowledge” due to complicated internal processes, but highlights the importance of the will to find agreements. He notes that having experience co-marketing with other brands makes the process easier and emphasizes the need to see each other as “equals.” He reiterates the importance of the intermediary and advises being prepared to take on additional burdens and being able to measure results.

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