MAPFRE reduces its global carbon footprint by 25% thanks to the reduction in fossil fuels and business travel and the increase in renewables and remote work

MAPFRE has exceeded all the reduction objectives that it had proposed to reduce the carbon footprint it generates with its activity. The insurer has reduced its global carbon footprint 25% compared to 2019which represents 17 and a half points above the challenge set for 2023 (7.5%).

This decrease is due to the effort made by the Group to continue moving towards decarbonization of the economy, not only through investment and underwriting, but also with measures to reduce the footprint of its direct operation. Among them, stands out the restriction of fossil fuels and electricitythe use of sources of renewable energyas the solar, replacing its fleet of conventional vehicles with hybrid or electric, and the reduction of Bussines travels and the travel of your employees to work centers.

Less fossil fuels

In 2023 the Group acquired 67% of the electricity with guarantee certificates of 100% renewable origin, thanks to the green electricity purchase contracts that countries such as Spain, Germany and Paraguay (100%), Portugal (99%), Brazil (80%), Turkey (48%), Italy (48%), Peru (43%) and USA (23%), and that implies that all of them make greater use of clean energy and require less burning of fossil fuels in the generation of said electricity. In this sense, it is worth highlighting that the company has committed to 100% of electricity consumption by 2030 comes from clean energy.

The company has also reduced the carbon footprint linked mainly to the fuel consumptiongreatly exceeding the set objective of 3%, to a greater extent due to the progressive replacement of the own fleet of vehicleswith conventional combustion engines hybrid or electric vehicleswhich in 2023 represented 22% and which aspires to 100% by 2030. The use of sustainable heating which has allowed the entity replace diesel and natural gas boilers with electric heat pumps.

Mobility: fewer business trips

The indirect carbon footprint, mainly associated with employee mobility, has also been reduced, specifically 19% compared to 2019, a figure that far exceeds the set objective (7% for this year) and that implies important progress in this sense, since both business trips and daily trips to the workplace, better known as commutingrepresent more than 68% of total emissions.

This decline has been influenced by new travel policy that the company approved at the end of 2022 and that seeks to eliminate unnecessary trips and promote use of sustainable transportsuch as the use of high speed train in front of the plane. Both measures have contributed to the carbon footprint from business travel in 2023 has been reduced a 58% compared to 2019, which significantly exceeds the planned objective of 4% for the year 2023. The countries that have reduced it the most are Venezuela (97%), Paraguay (95%), Honduras (94%), Ecuador (91%) and Colombia (90%).

During 2023, the hybrid work models (in person and remotely) in the Group, the carbon footprint of commuting In that year it has decreased by 3 % compared to 2019, a figure that is lower than the target of 8% set for 2023.

22% less energy

In 2023, the energy consumption of the MAPFRE Group, linked to the energy consumption of buildings and the vehicle fleet, decreased by 22% compared to 2019, which far exceeds the target planned for 2023 of 11%. This reduction is mainly due to the implementation of hybrid work models, workspace optimizationinvestments energy efficiency and renewal of automobile fleets ECO engines and more efficient. The countries that have contributed the most to this reduction are Brazil (70%), Guatemala (64%), Türkiye (47%), Colombia (45%) and USA (35%).

More solar panels

Currently, the electrical consumption represents more than 68% of the Group’s energy consumption. In 2023, the total acquired electrical energy has been reduced by 21 GWh, what it means 19% less compared to 2019. The countries that have made the greatest effort to reduce electricity consumption are Brazil (57%), Türkiye (51%), USA (fifty %), Colombia (47%), Germany (46%) and Ecuador (35%).

It is worth highlighting the impact of the installation of solar panels in Spain, with 4,700 photovoltaic panels, that generated 1.6 GWh at the entity’s headquarters in 2023. Other countries such as Mexico, Dominican Republic, Italy and Peruwhich already generate 0.25 GWh between the four of them.

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