European battle tank, communications and AI, Sener participates in three new EDF programs

European battle tank, communications and AI, Sener participates in three new EDF programs
European battle tank, communications and AI, Sener participates in three new EDF programs

The Spanish company Sener participates in three of the new programs of the third call of the European Defense Fund (EDF). The company will be in the project for the design of the future European battle tank (Mars), one of the most important, and in programs for the development of new satellite communications (Optimal) and the application of artificial intelligence to defense (Archytas).

The program Mars will design a new European main battle tank, suitable for current and future threats and needs, with greater protection, detection and firepower capabilities, improving the profitability of the platform and the efficiency of its life cycle. To do this, it will integrate innovative technologies that will also allow current battle tanks to be improved. In MarsSener participates in the areas MUT (linkage between manned and unmanned units, for the acronym in English of Manned-Unmanned Teaming), autonomy, situational awareness and integration of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles (UAV and UGV, respectively).

Optical communications and AI

On the other hand, Optimal is a laser-encoded optical communications program to link satellite constellations with air, naval and ground units. Its objective is to develop a robust multi-domain solution that bidirectionally links unmanned units and satellites with high data transfer rate and potential quantum key distribution capability, with targeting, acquisition and tracking functions of low Earth orbit satellites (LEO).

In this case, Sener will lead the design of the laser precision pointing system, providing its experience in P.A.T. (Pointing, Acquisition, and Tracking, for its acronym in English). Sener is also responsible for the attitude and orbit control system (AOCS), area in which it has notable recent experience, as main contractor of said system in the mission Euclid of the European Space Agency (ESA).

While, Archytas will study the viability of artificial intelligence accelerators (AI) non-conventional for defense applications that take advantage of novel technologies, such as optoelectronic accelerators, among others. Archytas will address the existing challenges in different defense use cases, proposing more efficient alternatives in energy consumption, speed and costs. Sener will lead the study of the terrestrial use case, taking advantage of his experience in the design and development of autonomous systems.

He General Director of Defense at Sener, Rafael Orbehighlighted that “we are very satisfied with the awards received, which coincide with the focus of the developments that we want to promote. Sener’s strategy finds recognition through the granting of programs financed by the European Defense Funds.”

Projects already underway

Sener is already part of other projects of the EDF. In the previous call, the company entered four: Swat Shoal (improving collaboration between manned and unmanned assets in underwater missions), Odin’s Eye II(for the development of a European space-based missile early warning architecture), Latacc (improvement of collaboration capabilities of the armed forces, from the brigade command post to combat vehicles in high intensity conflicts) and Spider (feasibility study for the development of affordable multi-mission satellite constellations dedicated to intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance).

First European interceptor missile

In total, Sener participates in 14 EDF projects since its inception in 2021. Its important participation in hydefthe first project to develop a European interceptor missile against threats from hypersonic vehicles, awarded to Sener and transferred after SMS; as well as in Commandswhere Sener coordinates a multinational consortium for the development of land convoys equipped with autonomous navigation.

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