Sanitas Ventures, a disruptive innovation area to create new businesses and innovative solutions

Sanitas Ventures, a disruptive innovation area to create new businesses and innovative solutions
Sanitas Ventures, a disruptive innovation area to create new businesses and innovative solutions

Sanitas has put in March Sanitas Ventures, a area of innovation disruptive for create new business and solutions innovativewhich will later be integrated into the different business units of the company.

Sanitas Ventures thus aspires to become a unique model and pioneer in corporate venture specialized in the field of health. This model of innovation It is made up of three different areas, but at the same time connected to each other: Venture Building, Open Innovation and Intrapreneurship.

  1. Venture Building: Are crated new business in four well-differentiated stages: ideation, validation, prototyping and building plan. Its about area further disruptivewhich allows Sanitas materialize those ideas and opportunities that, although less close to the company’s core business, represent a clear opportunity for growth and to improve the lives of customers.
  2. Open Innovation: Sanitas Ventures takes place throughout the year a search process for identify the best start-ups in the world that are in the growth phase in the area Of the health. The objective is to integrate your solutions within the processes and solutions already existing inside the house. Once the start-ups have been identified, each one of them begins a pilot project for validate its usefulness and the impact of their solutions. If satisfactory, these are integrated solutions in Sanitas.
  3. Intrapreneurship: It is the employees themselves who, with the support and team leadership Sanitas Venturesbelieve solutions innovative that subsequently the business units of Sanitas integrate. Intrapreneurs, volunteer company employees, are selected after enrolling in the Intrapreneurship program. and for 6 months they are immersed in the process of creating these solutions.

Since 2023, when the team started Sanitas Ventureshas achieved very good results, which have validated this model of innovation. In this time, good progress has been made in the area of venture building, 22 pilots have been carried out with startups in the area by Open Innovation and inside of the area intrapreneurship is working on two new solutions that will be released soon.

The first is a pool of doctors, with whom you connect through digital tools, and that responds to the medical needs of patients without a waiting list, without the need for an appointment and in a Limited waiting time of about 30 minutes.

The following solution allows the processing and interpretation of medical test results in a simple way and accurate thanks to the use of AI, a tool that reduces appointments for unnecessary result readings.

For give support, Sanitas has created the Sanitas Ventures LAB, a space dedicated to innovationaxis of the innovative ecosystem that Sanitas is building around Sanitas Ventures and open to all employees of the organization. In this LAB, the team Sanitas Ventures incubates the ventures who designs and launched on the market during its initial phase from area of Venture Building, operates the Open Innovation pilots and manages the Intrapreneurship program. The LAB is the area work of intrapreneurs.

“The truly innovative thing about Sanitas Ventures It’s not just the solutions that we generate, but the way in which we generate them, that is, our model of innovation. We propose a novel work model and efficient that is usually difficult to land in a company,” explains Ine Snater, Chief Transformation & Strategy Officer ofSanitas and Bupa ALS. “In addition, we bet on our internal talent and promote the development of start-ups. We do not want to be just another incubator, but rather to put into practice March a pioneering method that really guarantees results for the start-ups and for our company providing value to our clients, patients and doctors,” concludes Snater.

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