Article: Accusing Cuba of human trafficking, another trick to justify the economic war

Article: Accusing Cuba of human trafficking, another trick to justify the economic war
Article: Accusing Cuba of human trafficking, another trick to justify the economic war

Raúl Antonio Capote – Granma / Latin American Summary

The United States Government maintains Cuba in the worst category in its annual State Department report on human trafficking

Lying, morally reprehensible for many, has managed to successfully survive the educational advances of human beings. Great thinkers like Aristotle considered that “a lie makes man hateful before divinity and despicable before his peers.”

But well, moving away from philosophy, there is nothing like popular wisdom to warn about its possible consequences, especially when it becomes “common sense” of those who govern a nation, because, as the saying goes, “the faster it catches.” to a liar than to a lame person.

This is what happens with the neighboring Government, the one that is to the north of the archipelago, which, like the naked king in the children’s story, exhibits its falsehoods about Cuba, without realizing that it is carrying shame into the air; such is his arrogance.

The current US administration arbitrarily insists on keeping Cuba in the worst category (level 3) in its recently published annual State Department report on human trafficking.

The actions of the Washington authorities, marked by political motivations, deserved the response, from his account in x, of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.

«The empire has once again listed Cuba in its manipulative report on human trafficking, an outrageous maneuver of open war against Cuban medical collaboration. Enough of the cynicism, Secretary Blinken. “You know well our policy of zero tolerance for this criminal practice.”

To justify the action, the report referring to the year 2023 uses contradictory arguments, supported by defamation of the work of Cuban medical collaboration in more than a hundred countries.

The work of cooperation with other peoples, in matters of Health, that Cuba carries out is so humane that they have to attack it. It bothers them that, in the midst of the lordship of perversity and dishonor with which they seek to dominate the world, the rebellious Island brings light to the darkness and health to those who suffer.

But it is not accidental to include Cuba in spurious lists; considering the Island in the worst category in its human trafficking report allows the White House to justify the blockade and the endless saga of coercive measures aimed at starving its people.

It seems that the world is upside down: those who promote human trafficking, encouraging illegal departures, those who hinder the normal migratory flow between the two nations, are the ones who judge and punish.

Those who do not allow – just to cite one example – our baseball players to benefit from an agreement that prevents them from falling into the arms of human traffickers to reach the MLB, are the same ones who intend to condemn those who maintain a policy of zero tolerance against human trafficking.

Cuban writer, professor, researcher and journalist. He is the author of “Game of Illuminations”, “The Illustrated Knight”, “The Adversary”, “Enemy” and “The War Against Us”.

La Columna is a space free of personal opinion from authors who are friends of Cuba, which does not necessarily represent the editorial line of Cubainformacion.

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