Almost a third of hiring is now done via social networks

Almost a third of hiring is now done via social networks
Almost a third of hiring is now done via social networks

Social networks have transformed the way companies relate to their target audience, including potential candidates. A recent study by the Mambo agency reveals that 30% of jobs are already filled with interviews conducted through social networks, with TikTok being one of the platforms that is gaining greater prominence in this area.

With more than 1 billion active users worldwide, TikTok has become a cultural phenomenon. It has captured the attention and imagination of the Generation Z and the millennials. These digital natives are the future workforce, and by leveraging TikTok, you can take advantage of their unique preferences and habits.

Today, social networks are the perfect showcase to show the company’s culture, its values ​​and the experiences of employees. According to Mambo data, 67% of TikTok users say they are more likely to consider a company that shows off their work culture transparently and authentically on social networks.

Also, the VII Barometer DCH-Talent Management in Spain, Portugal and Latin America highlights TikTok as the main source of recruitment for junior profiles, followed by Temporary Employment Agencies, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. In contrast, for intermediate profiles, recruitment companies and LinkedIn are the main sources, while for senior profiles, “headhunters” dominate, followed by LinkedIn.

Unlike traditional recruiting methods, TikTok offers companies the ability to showcase their work culture in an authentic and engaging way through short, creative videos.

The benefits of using TikTok for recruiting include the ability to attract young talent, since it is a platform that is especially popular among new generations, which allows companies to connect with a broad and qualified target audience. In addition, it allows you to show the work culture through videos that highlight daily life in the office, the employees and the company’s values, creating an attractive and transparent image of the organization. It also encourages interaction through the duetting feature, allowing candidates to interact directly with companies and creating a two-way dialogue that enriches the recruiting process. Lastly, strategic use of TikTok can improve brand perception among the general public and potential candidates.

Despite success, not all companies have an active presence on social networks. According to a recent HAYS study, The vast majority of respondents admit not having a good professional brand on digital platforms. Only a third say they have worked on their personal brand. This Lack of digital presence can have a significant impact in the image we project to others and in our job opportunities. For young digital natives, their personal brand is directly linked to their digital footprint, unlike previous generations who have built it from scratch, mostly in a work environment.

Although 60% of professionals consider that having a strong personal brand on social networks is crucial to finding a job, few have a defined strategy and limit themselves to completing the basic fields on their LinkedIn profile. Professional use of social media requires a consistent strategy across all channels, where the important thing is to project a clear image of who we are, what defines us and what we can contribute in a unique way, standing out from others. And if we can measure and demonstrate all this, even better.

Real content

One of the key elements that sets TikTok apart from other social media platforms is its emphasis on authenticity. Recruiters show a lot of confidence in the power of positive employer branding in recruiting. TikTok users value real and relatable content, making it one of the most popular employer branding tools to showcase your company’s culture and employer brand. Companies that use TikTok to recruit can offer a behind-the-scenes look at their workplace. They can also highlight employee testimonials and even share fun or memorable moments that embody the company’s unique spirit.

Arianna Arcai, Country Manager of Mambo Community in Spain explains that “we find cases of companies that explain to us that one of the main challenges of the current management of their new generation workers is to gain their loyalty within the company. A generation that puts emotional salary before economic salary is much more difficult to retain in the company. To do this, they are increasingly resorting to strategies related to social networks to attract and retain this talent.” “If people see that there is “good vibes” in the company, that there are fun activities, that there are interesting clients, It is much easier to attract talent,” he highlights.

Another example of TikTok’s use in HR is the TikTok duets feature that allows users to interact directly with companies’ videos, creating a two-way dialogue that can be very valuable during the recruiting process. Candidates can respond to challenges or ask questions in real time, allowing for a more dynamic and personalized interaction.

It should also be noted that this social network helps organizations position themselves as a “great place to work”: 73% of users in Spain affirm that creating storytelling related to employer branding on the platform could change the perception that people have of the companymaking it appear more innovative (75%), with a strong identity (73%), and that it cares about attracting and retaining talent (72%), according to research carried out by TikTok in collaboration with Kantar.

Just after specialized professional platforms (58%) and recruitment agencies (52%), digital platforms are the most popular channels (45%) in the job search.

Searching and exploring on the platform means discovering new jobs and getting inspired to find more career opportunities. In fact, 28% of people on TikTok have discovered new companies they didn’t know about before and 34% wanted to know more about working for a particular company.

Target audience segmentation

When it comes to effective recruiting, targeting the right audience is crucial. TikTok offers tools that allow you to precisely segment and target ideal candidates. Leveraging its advanced algorithms and user data, the range can be reduced based on factors such as location, interests, skills, and even job preferences.

The engagement rate on TikTok is remarkably high, with an average engagement rate of 29% for videos posted by brands.

Andrea Garte has positioned herself as one of the most prominent content creators today, however, her influence is not limited only to digital platforms, as she has used these tools as an integral part of MyAgleet, her successful footwear sales company. The marketing strategy that Andrea recommends depends on the sector you work in and the audience you want to reach. In her case, always suggests that the content be close, dynamic and, in many cases, explanatory. This way, customers can understand and appreciate the proper use of the products you offer.

Garte emphasizes the importance of following trends and reinventing yourself to stay relevant in the market. Adapting current trends to the brand can help position itself and make content long as it fits perfectly with the brand identity and the desired objectives.

Israel Ramírez, former sommelier and current director of the Saddle restaurant, comments: “In recent years, social media has revolutionized the recruiting landscape, allowing us to connect with talent in innovative and more personal ways.” “For a restaurant like Saddle, traditional hospitality recruiting platforms are not always effective. We need a very specific profile: 51% personal qualities and 49% professional knowledge and experience. LinkedIn, in particular, has become a key platform for us,” he highlights. It allows them to identify and connect with people who share their passion and vision. Although it presents challenges, such as the need for a content strategy and competition with other companies, the benefits outweigh these obstacles.

AI, at the service of social networks

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool to automate and improve the personnel selection process. Arcai states: “AI can analyze large volumes of data on social media profiles, CVs and other sources to identify those candidates who meet the specific requirements of the position. This automation not only saves time, but also improves accuracy and reduces biases in initial selection.” Additionally, Arcai highlights that AI-powered chatbots have significantly improved interaction with potential candidates. These chatbots They can communicate in real time with users on social media platforms, answering frequently asked questions, providing information about vacancies, and guiding interested parties through the application process. There are even AI-based virtual interviews that analyze candidates’ responses and facial expressions to assess their comfort level.

Other success stories: Twitch

Heineken Spain wanted to incorporate young talents into the company who lived its values ​​and helped them fulfill their purpose: to create moments of enjoyment that united to provide a better world. And to achieve this, she explored new formulas to attract young people eager to learn, work and continue growing professionally. It adapted to the formats and channels used by new generations with initiatives such as the Heineken Graduate Challenge, the first selection process organized by a large company on Twitch.

The company highlights that “by showing initiatives and achievements, professionals are attracted who seek to work in a company that shares its values, adapting to emerging trends to continue being an attractive and modern employer.”

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