When will electronic invoices be mandatory? Date and sanctions, according to the DIAN

When will electronic invoices be mandatory? Date and sanctions, according to the DIAN
When will electronic invoices be mandatory? Date and sanctions, according to the DIAN

The National Tax and Customs Directorate (Diane), has an electronic invoice that is the evolution of the traditional invoice, it is generated, valid, issued, received, rejected and kept electronically, which represents greater advantages. Tax-wise, it is a support of transactions sale of goods and/or services.

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Since June 1, it was established that all businesses in Colombia, including neighborhood stores and restaurants, as well as declarants of the income tax who are not large taxpayers, are obliged to carry out the electronic billing.

What happens if you don’t do electronic billing?

The Dian established a series of sanctions for people who fail to comply with electronic billing regulations. Please note that the fines can be significantseriously affecting the operations of companies.

Benefits of electronic invoice

The implementation of electronic invoices can be a substantial improvement for micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs). Additionally, bring the following benefits:

  • Reduction of costs associated with the use of paper
  • Regulates the country’s business fabric
  • Intensify the use of technology
  • Improves control of companies’ financial operations

Will traditional billing no longer be possible?

It should be noted that there are still people who prefer traditional billing, however, this decision It is not an option, but an obligation for all merchantsTherefore, they will have to adapt to electronic billing.

The challenge is based on guaranteeing that all sectors of commerce in Colombia have the resources necessary to fulfill the normative established.

In which cases will the electronic invoice be used?

The electronic invoice will not completely eliminate the use of paper, since there are certain specific cases and in accordance with particular regulations, which could require physical documentation.

  1. Step by step for free electronic invoicing
  2. Enter the Dian page
  3. Fill out your details to receive the entry link
  4. Formalize your registration as an electronic biller
  5. Enter the “Enablement” portal
  6. Menu: participants/Biller, configure “Operation Mode”
  7. Select “Free Software”

He System will automatically generate test invoice rangesin the following link you will find the steps (https://www.dian.gov.co/impuestos/factura-electronica/Documents/Guia_uso_facturacion_gratuita_DIAN.pdf).

Finally, the implementation of electronic billing in Colombia marks an important step towards the administrative and fiscal modernization of the country. However, this change will imply significant challenges for small and medium-sized companies, since it implies adaptation to the new technologiesbut it is clear that they will be justified in the future.

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