Solar technology could do away with conventional batteries

Solar technology could do away with conventional batteries
Solar technology could do away with conventional batteries

Exeger’s Powerfoyle can be seamlessly integrated into devices from headphones to tablets, eliminating the need for disposable batteries and cables (Exeger)

In Stockholm, a top-secret factory in the Far North produces blades with miniature solar cells that could change the way we interact with everyday technology. With the capacity to produce 2.5 million square meters of these cells each year, it is the largest plant of its type in Europe. Giovanni Fili and Henrik Lindstromco-founders of Exegerhave developed a technology that could do without conventional batteries, as reported TheIndependent.

These cells, known as Powerfoyle, can harvest energy from any light source, from direct sunlight to candlelight. Even under moonlight, even if the charge is limited. Fili compared his technology to algae at the bottom of the ocean that take advantage of minimal photons: “We can make efficient use of very few photons“, he declared to The Independent. Furthermore, he stated that Powerfoyle redefines our relationship with light, making it a constant and accessible resource.

Progress began with the discovery of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) in 1988. Science developed at the University of California, Berkeley, allowed the commercialization of these cells. Twenty years later, Exeger achieved a thousand times more conductivity in its materials, giving rise to Powerfoyle.

Other products powered by this technology include headphones, bike helmets and wireless speakers. Nike, Phillips and 3M are among their clients, with conversations also advanced with Logitech and Apple. In Fili’s words: “We have secured a contract with one of the largest suppliers of keyboards and mice in the world”.

Indoor technology is not new. The first solar calculators appeared in the 1970s, but faced limitations due to their low energy consumption and fragility. The innovation of Exeger solves these problems, making its panels flexible, resistant to partial shading, waterproof and durable.

Powerfoyle’s durability and versatility allow it to be used under any lighting conditions. Although it limits its implementation in high-consumption devices such as laptops and smartphones, it can significantly extend the life of their batteries. Exeger is also exploring a solar-powered tablet case that could eliminate the need for charging for some users.

Prototype products integrated with Exeger’s Powerfoyle solar cells include tablets, bags and even curtains. (Exeger)

Ambient Photonics, an American company, is also moving in this direction with its DSSCs. “Every advance in energy density brings us closer to a future without disposable batteries“Bates Marshall, co-founder and CEO of the company, told The Independent. Marshall highlighted that remote controls, responsible for the annual disposal of 3.1 billion disposable batteries according to estimates by Samsung, they could benefit greatly. The Korean company has committed to replacing alkaline batteries with photovoltaic energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 6,000 tons annually.

Another look at the signature Ambient Photonics reveals his interest in the smart home. Marshall comments that the limited life of traditional batteries hinders the design of electronic products and has negative environmental consequences. Ambient’s DSSCs have already been integrated into remote controls, although their application is more restricted than Powerfoyle’s due to their sensitivity to heat and light.

Giovanni Fili has seen Powerfoyle users become more aware of their lighting environment. “We are making people aware of light, because light is power”, he highlights. According to him, this technology could touch the lives of one billion people by 2030.

The innovation of Exeger It is so advanced that the form and use of its products are not yet completely public. The Independent notes that printers at the Stockholm factory continually produce Powerfoyles whose future applications remain largely a mystery. However, everything suggests that they will be integrated into commonly used products.

Fili sees this technology as defining the era, comparing its possible impacts with figures of the stature of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Elon Musk according to the magazine Forbes. In his words: “Our grandchildren will laugh that we had cables”, anticipating an era where human activity will not depend on traditional batteries.

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