Household economic perception improves to its most positive level since early 2023, report says

Household economic perception improves to its most positive level since early 2023, report says
Household economic perception improves to its most positive level since early 2023, report says

Large cities tend to be more optimistic about the future compared to smaller towns


The economic perception of households during the second quarter of 2024 has improved “significantly” and has reached the most positive level since the beginning of 2023, according to a report prepared by the research and analysis company Simple Lógica.

The study reflects that in the second quarter of 2024 – until now April and May – it marks the most positive point since the beginning of 2023 in terms of citizens’ opinions on the assessment of their financial status and on the expectations for future.

In the second quarter of 2023, the moment of greatest confidence of that year was recorded, which decreased significantly in the political interim period (third quarter). During the third quarter of 2023, after the general elections, a fairly negative perception was observed, both about the economic situation at the moment and in the future -next twelve months-.

However, since the inauguration of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, (in the fourth quarter of 2023) both perceptions have improved until reaching the current point.

The perception of stability, in any case, is predominant both with respect to the household’s financial evolution of the last 12 months and in expectations for the next twelve. In both cases (past and future), more than half of the households perceive financial stability.


According to the report, large cities tend to be more optimistic about the future compared to smaller towns.

Even perceptions and expectations vary significantly between the different autonomous communities. Navarra and La Rioja show great improvements in expectations. Others such as Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, the Valencian Community or the Canary Islands also have positive expectations thanks to the expected impact of tourism.

On the contrary, the autonomous communities with the worst economic expectations for the next twelve months are Cantabria, Asturias and Castilla León. These regions show a slower recovery compared to other communities, reflecting a more negative perception about future economic developments.

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