The controversy with the points in GAME stores: from their expiration without prior notice to a complaint from the OCU

The controversy with the points in GAME stores: from their expiration without prior notice to a complaint from the OCU
The controversy with the points in GAME stores: from their expiration without prior notice to a complaint from the OCU

Several people queue to enter a GAME store in the Plaza Norte 2 Center (Marta Fernández Jara/Europa Press)

The GAME store chain is one of the most popular to buy video game in Spain. Thanks to its large catalog of products, whether new or second-hand, it has carved out one of the leading positions in this sector. However, perhaps the one who has always been Its main attraction was its points system, with which with each purchase you accumulated money to spend in the future.

This year controversy has surrounded these stores, due to a decision made by the company itself. GAME. April 1 of this year All points that had been accumulated before December 31, 2023 disappeared. A day later, the company sent an email to its partners, in which they explained the change in the points policy:

We remind you that your points balance is valid for one year from the end of the calendar year in which the points are acquired. points. In this way, the balance of points accumulated during the period between January 1 and December 31 of any year will expire on December 31 of the following year.

Finally, we inform you that our points system will convert to €1 = 6 points starting next April 18, that is, each euro generates 6 GAME points. The exchange of points will remain the same as before.

This decision had not been announced previously, so people were quick to show their indignation. Many buyers had spent months and months accumulating dozens or even hundreds of points which translated into large amounts of money and had disappeared overnight. Now, thanks to these complaints, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has reported this company to the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030

In the statement shared by this organization they explain that it has been done “in relation to its loyalty policy.” “Specifically, for the sudden, unilateral and without prior notice application of its points expiration clause on December 31preventing thousands of members of this company from redeeming the accumulated points to purchase other products and services,” they add.

They explain that in the legal conditions of GAME itself it was indicated that its points system expired every December 31, however this clause had never been applied. This in the opinion of the OCU ” invited the partners of this company to assume that it was on hold” and this last movement would mean that “an unfair commercial practice contrary to good faith on the part of the company” has been carried out.

In short, since the law is based on the principle of good faith, the contract not only requires compliance with what is expressly agreed upon, but also all consequences that, according to their nature, are in accordance with good faith, use and law. This compliance cannot be left to the discretion of one of the parties. Furthermore, according to consumer regulations, their interpretation must be made for the benefit of consumers and, again, in accordance to the principle of objective good faith. Similarly, Unfair Business Practices regulations apply to benefits such as loyalty programs.

The OCU warns of the “double call scam”: scammers trick you into changing rates.

For all this, OCU warns that the activation of the expiration by GAME should have notified its partners sufficiently in advance so that they could use the accumulated pointsas more than 200 people have reported to the Organization of Consumers and Users in recent months.

The OCU has asked Consumer Affairs the corresponding inspection procedure so that, if the described infractions are found, GAME is sanctioned and forced to return the canceled points to the members.. Meanwhile, it recommends that those affected keep all documentation that proves the obtaining of points that could not be used until the expiration date that took place on December 31.

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