what is expected for this month

what is expected for this month
what is expected for this month

For June, analysts expect greater exchange stability because the field would continue to liquidate at a good pace, which would maintain a fluid supply of currencies in cash with settlement. In addition, rates would remain at current levels and official intervention would continue to continue rebuilding reserves.

Last month the BCRA was able to buy reserves for US$2.5 billion and since December it has already acquired some US$17.25 billion. According to analysts, until the end of the month the settlement for the harvest should remain firm and help the Central to add foreign currency, while supply in financial dollars is added through the scheme that allows 20% to be settled in cash with settlement.

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The dollar MEP rose 17%, to $1,216.

Furthermore, the Government does not believe that there are enough pesos in the economy to move the values ​​of dollars or prices. It happens that the inflationary jump of recent months liquefied the purchasing power of people, who went from using their savings to buy dollars to selling them to pay their expenses.

On the other hand, this month the monthly quota to buy the savings dollar was renewed again, which costs today $1,515 and leaves the cost to be able to acquire the US$200 per month allowed at $300,000.

The savings or solidarity dollar is the official exchange rate plus 30% of the PAIS tax (for those who buy foreign currency for hoarding and for those who pay expenses abroad with a card) and another 30% on account of Earnings and Personal Assets.

How to acquire dollar savings

For those who do not have limitations, the savings dollar can be acquired through homebanking or authorized financial entities. However, those who bought the MEP or CCL dollar in the last 90 days, those who collected salaries in 2020 through the Production and Work Assistance program (ATP), those who collect social plans or state aid, monotributists will not be able to buy the solidarity dollar. who have credits at a subsidized rate, those who do not have declared income, and joint holders of bank accounts.


Last month the BCRA was able to buy reserves for US$2.5 billion.

Those who spent the monthly quota of US$200 with a card, those who have a 12-installment payment plan for credit card debts, those who refinanced their credit debts with banks (personal, collateral or mortgage), those who receive subsidies for the payment of fees, and those who enter the pension moratorium to retire without having 30 years of contributions.

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