a commitment from technology companies

a commitment from technology companies
a commitment from technology companies

The study detailed that 55% of the country’s homes have a fiber optic connection; 22% via cable modem; 12% via wireless; 8% through ADSL technology and 3% use the satellite network. Regarding speeds, 20% of users have connections greater than 100 megabits per second; 27% between 50 and 100 mbps; 22% between 20 and 50 Mbps; 20% between 6 and 20 Mbps; and 11% with a connection speed of less than 6 MB.

The cost of access to high-speed services is the main reason why households that have the possibilities do not migrate to a quality connection, according to the data provided by the camera.

In an increasingly connected world, Internet access has become an imperative for economic growth and global advancement. Equitably distributing the Internet is not just about providing access; It is necessary to guarantee connectivity to the entire society, so that this scope of digital transformation has a positive impact on the generation of business, the growth of companies and opportunities for all.

Recognizing this challenge, technology companies are playing a critical role in fostering Internet access, facilitating connectivity and promoting digital integration in communities around the globe.

From providing network infrastructure to developing innovative applications and services, technology companies are working tirelessly to make the internet more affordable and secure for everyone. Through initiatives focused on expanding connectivity, digital literacy, and training, these organizations are providing tools and services to take full advantage of the benefits of the digital age.

The implementation of the cloud service together with the investment in cybersecurity are two fundamental pillars in the equal distribution of Internet access. In the case of the cloud, it is a key tool in the digital economy for access to the digital services that companies need to implement today for sustained and innovative growth. In this way, accessibility also needs to have a safe environment to operate in an environment of trust and security so that more users can participate in the digital age and benefit from new opportunities.

Various ways that technology companies are promoting Internet access include:

Development of innovative technologies: Through technological innovation, companies are developing solutions that make the internet more affordable for minorities or people with disabilities. These solutions include intuitive user interfaces, machine translation tools, and accessibility devices.

Digital literacy programs: In order to close the digital divide, many technology companies are running digital literacy programs that offer training in basic technology skills, such as computer use, internet browsing, and online safety, to individuals. of all ages and levels of experience.

Collaborations and partnerships: Technology companies are collaborating with governments, non-profit organizations and other stakeholders to develop joint initiatives that promote digital integration and connectivity in society.

By having access to an internet connection anywhere in the country, technology companies offering technological services are playing a fundamental role in the construction of a sustainable, innovative and creative digital economy that increasingly includes a greater number of Argentines. .

General Manager of Tivit.

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