Trends in data and AI that are being implemented in the business environment | Digital strategies

Trends in data and AI that are being implemented in the business environment | Digital strategies
Trends in data and AI that are being implemented in the business environment | Digital strategies


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SDG Group has presented the second wave of its Innovation Radar, which allows companies and professionals to know what the trends are in four areas: Artificial Intelligence, which encompasses Machine Learning and Data Science; Data Technologies, which combines data processing and transformation; D&A Architecture, on trends in data architecture, and Business, which shows the most widespread use cases in companies. In turn, three concentric rings make it possible to identify the long-, medium- and short-term relevance of all the trends in the four sections.

In its first epoch, Radar showed trends in Artificial Intelligence, such as semantic search or Prompt Engineering, at the same time that low-code/no-code was positioned in the area of ​​Data Technologies; which implies the possibility of developing applications without advanced technical programming knowledge. On the other hand, the Radar also provided details on the upward trend of fabric data architectures, which involves a centralized view of the data in different systems and applications, and in the same way, an implementation that pivots on active metadata that allows generate data pipelines in a simpler and more automated way.

In this second epoch, the main added variable has been the introduction of the tools with the greatest impact on the technology industry. A clear example is the arrival of Chat GPT-4o, which is making its mark in the area of ​​Artificial Intelligence, and by default, in Business, due to its extensive capabilities in all types of business areas.

“Multimodal LLMs have evolved and generate other data beyond the text, so this progress in generative AI is promoting new use cases in corporations,” explained Sergio Muñoz, Head of Innovation at SDG Group Spain. “Chat GPT-4o is uniting audio, video and text capabilities and improving generation times, opening up a new world of possibilities for real-time video translation and analysis, quickly and easily, thanks to lower latency.”

Apart from Chat GPT, there are different LLMs in continuous evolution and improvement, such as those of Llama (Meta), Gemini (Google), Claude (AWS) and Phi (Microsoft). “In short, LLMs and their advances imply a synchronized evolution in new data architectures and work environments; something that we will see in future epochs of our Radar”, concluded Sergio Muñoz.

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