‘La Caixa’ Foundation, El Corte Inglés and Caixabank, the companies that contribute the most to Spain’s GDP

‘La Caixa’ Foundation, El Corte Inglés and Caixabank, the companies that contribute the most to Spain’s GDP
‘La Caixa’ Foundation, El Corte Inglés and Caixabank, the companies that contribute the most to Spain’s GDP

‘La Caixa Foundation, owner of CriteriaCaxa, is the private entity that contributes the most to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Spain, according to the Advice Business Success Study for Spring 2024, prepared by Advice Strategic Consultants. In 2024, CriteriaCaixa, chaired by Isidre Fainé, like ‘La Caixa’ Foundation, has stood out for important corporate operations, showing its investment interest in Telefónica (wanting to increase its participation from 5 to 10%); in Grupo ACS (with its intention to buy 9.4% of the capital) or in Inmobiliaria Colonial (expressing a desire to reach a 17% stake). In addition, it intends to carry out a friendly takeover bid in Naturgy (where it is already the largest shareholder, with 26%), to provide stability to the shareholders and management, and has attended the Puig Brands IPO (acquiring 3% of the capital). . CriteriaCaixa’s strong investment activity in 2024, coinciding with the four-year renewal of the mandate of its president, Isidre Fainé, and the appointment of a new CEO at CriteriaCaixa, Ángel Simón, has aroused the interest of Spanish opinion leaders who , 88%, highlight that Fundación La Caixa is the main private business group in Spain, both for its social contribution and for its contribution to the Spanish GDP. Likewise, the panel of opinion leaders consulted by Advice Strategic Consultants in the spring of 2024, highlights the “economic, business and financial weight of ‘La Caixa’ Foundation – through CriteriaCaixa – in the Spanish economy”, according to asserts Jorge Díaz Cardiel, general managing partner of Advice Strategic Consultants. EL CORTE INGLÉS, ONE OF THE LARGEST EMPLOYERS IN SPAIN Behind ‘La Caixa’ Foundation is El Corte Inglés, which stands out for its leadership in retail, commerce, fashion and distribution and for being one of the largest employers in Spain. Next, CaixaBank stands out for its “profitable, omnichannel and socially sustainable” banking model. In fourth place is Inditex, which is mentioned among the surveyed opinion leaders, analysts and financial journalists for the role of Pontegadea, the investment vehicle of the founder of Inditex, Amancio Ortega. Telefónica completes the ‘top 5’, being mentioned for being a strong driver of digital transformation. Subsequently, in the ‘top 10’ and in this order are Banco Santander, Mercadona, Iberdrola, Meliá and Cellnex.

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